Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Best Flat Earth video I have seen yet, 'Proving the earth is not flat'

Before you watch another video saying the earth is flat, watch this one.


  1. Zach check your mail on all4truth

  2. Zach you must have hidden intent. Supposed to be a truther but you're a scammer. This is the best flat earth video you have ever seen?? Hah you need more research my friend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is a globe and all of the evidence shows that. Everything Jeranism and others have put out has been thoroughly debunked. There are some issues which are so catagorically demonstrative of a globe Earth, it is game set and match - notably the issue of certain start constelations in the Southern Hemisphere being visable from countries around the same time of night, yet, on the plane Earth model, these constellations would have to be in two places at once as the countries are stretched out so far apart. Everything has been debunked, literally EVERYTHING. I got into it for a bit, even though the Sun set where I live clearly shows the sun rising over a curve every morning, but it is just thoroughly debunked now, and an obvious massive distraction for the truth community.

    2. Skip to 8:40 of this video and this is the absolute death of the Flat Earth 33 NASA psy-op. GAME OVER.

    3. It is indeed a psyop. No doubt, but there is more to it . It's not a or b.

    4. Neither of the classic 'two options' you are given is correct.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. flat earth is fo christian fagz fuck em follow numerologynow n

  5. Zack, when are you going to do a video in the hollow earth?

  6. Ill never be convinced of the globe model they have claimed. The sun is not 93 fuckin million miles away...Stars are not gas balls floating in unlimited space..We only see one side of the moon for a reason and its not because of the garbage they try to convince us of. It could be flat, but the flat earthers models and maps are misdirections. It's most certainly not a spinning rock in outer space. I dont think we'll ever know the truth, so I stopped trying to find an answer.

  7. its a flat plane with a dome the bible tells what it is...nobody ever has adjusted to a curve flying a plane..building a bridge..plum bob shows no curve

    1. They wouldn't need any adjustment as if they flew at a constant height of, for example, 30,000 feet, gravity would be pulling them down and the wings lifting them up at an equal rate, so they would naturally follow 30,000 feet from sea level - i.e at a constant distance from the Earths centre of gravity. For the plane to go higher and out of that orbit, it would need to increase its lift mechanially and increase thrust to stay at the same speed but at an increasing height. They don't float in the air; there are forces pulling it down constantly which it can either be in balance with, or be unbalanced (fall/ lift).

    2. Haha gravity...
      Planes are always tilted up, otherwise they would crash into the earth. Your on the inside of the globe..

  8. Anyone promoting the shape of the this Plane-T

    Is nothing but a Shill Stein.

    There's a reason why NO one knows our beginning or our END.

    This Matrix reality is only programmed in our collective consciousness.

    The programmers primary functions are to transmit data to direct each person in a Disk
    Motion of repetitive reprogramming.

    This state of AWAKENING is also part of that program. Some membranes are deleted, some are formatted with limitations and some are given more storage space.

    dumb people live longer it's a fact. Simple matters.

    1. there are answers to all the questions
      the dark side was in charge here for a long time so deception ruled
      that is changing, and fast
      you are part of it too!!

    2. I see you have gone through many many levels over the course of many years Harry. Good for you!



  9. The oceans are BASIN not on a ball.

  10. Thank you for the wonderful gift of sanity

  11. Only a minute into this video, and it is an absolute joke, already utilizing just about every logical fallacy in the book. Try harder.

    1. learn about fractal creation
      the sun is round
      the moon is round
      the other planers are round
      the earth is flat?

      fractal creation will show you planets orbit the sun the same way electrons orbit a nucleus

    2. The sun is not a globe. The moon is not a globe. Other "planets" are not a globe. The earth is a globe? You think that spinning ball they show you in that video is a real moving picture of the earth?

    3. @Sean

      TRAINED monkeys love bananas too 🍌

    4. all good friend
      call it planting a seed
      most people are stuck in deception and cannot see the truth for what it is

      we live in a fractal energetic holograph - a Universe
      planets orbit the sun the same way electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom
      the same patterns exist in nature at different iterations of the fractal

    5. Spinning Earth = spinning a tall tale, getting spun, dizzy and disoriented, nauseous

      The wheels on the bus go round and round

      Circling a square

      Hula hoops

      Spinning Wheel of Fortune

      Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and falls asleep for 100 years, as does everyone in her village.

      In cartoons when someone gets hit on the head/knocked out, stars spin above their head

      You can see why the Overlords try to keep everyone spinning with the idea that they are on a rock that is rolling around in an endless circle.

  12. This is a good video, I just don't like there references to the website "metabunk", which was started to promote the bullshit of the official 9/11 fairytale. Other than that good points.

  13. Yeah... This is your worst post ever dude lol.

  14. we live on a fucking ant farm with an aquarium.

    The atmosphere is the fans, the sun and moon are our fluorescent lights, rain and oxygen come from our filters, stars are our 3D back drop to keep you in this allusion of a globe 🌎

    1. we live in a Living organism called a Universe
      You are a mirror reflection of the Universe

      the ant farm is a creation of the dark side
      they have their own Universe and they...well...are basically trying to eat us
      it wont work

    2. I agree with Mike on this point. For a long time I began to think that this world is a prison/antfarm, but I am coming to realize how much programming/propaganda it has taken to coerce me into feeling that way. That may even be the end game for this whole sick deception: to make us hate this world. Still, the model of the "universe" we have been given is clearly part of the fraud, to my eyes anyway.

    3. I think that you are correct that we are being turned against the planet. It is preparation for the big deception.
      Think about The Wizard of Oz. When the scarecrow says to the apple trees, "we don't want any of those apples". It was clearly a ploy to get them to give up their fruit. "They" want us to hate the earth so much that we want off... and then they will own it. We have to stand firm and recognize this now. Appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Don't be so quick to think the grass is greener elsewhere. There may be no grass at all. That is why they are working so hard.

  15. The fact that Harrybutts106 is promoting flat earth should prove to you guys that it's a Masonic invention to divide and conquer more. Still the flat earth argument is pre-16th century, get fucking real people, gravity curves space. Those of you who ask "how do you know of gravitys real?" Jump off a building, then tell me if gravity exists. Mike T is 100%, fractal creation is written into the structure of the universe.

    1. thank you for the support

      I would just like to add that I reject the science books written by man the same way I reject religious books written by man

      the truth is a combination of both
      creation exists
      evolution exists

      imagine how clever it is to spin both ideas against each other and create a divide

    2. the good news
      we were all both right AND wrong
      creationists were right and wrong
      evolutionists were right and wrong

      let's use that commonality of being deceived to motivate us to find the truth!

    3. @R Seiberling, your example of falling does not prove gravity. I feel like you are smart enough to know this.

      Question to both: do you think the sun is 93 million away, and that we are hurtling around it at 66,600 miles per hour? If not, how do you reconcile that in your mind, knowing that that would throw off the mathematics of the system entirely.

    4. A broken clock is right twice a day. If that's your proof that it's a globe, that's sad.

    5. Sean, I do not think the sun is 93 million miles away. I think masons skew numbers like that as tributes to Saturn. Just like Mike said, I don't believe the religious books anymore than the science books. There are just so many holes you can poke in the flat earth and moon landing hoax theories that they aren't even really worth promoting until we take this club down. Until they're gone, we're never going to understand the true reality of our world. We're much closer to understanding it than most though, I think we're closer than all the Occultists too. That Ex-masons confession on Jeff youngs radio show revealed a lot about what really goes on in this club.

    6. You know the flat earthers say gravity doesn't exist and that it is air pressure/ density which pushes matter to the Earth. Yet it has been shown that in a vacuum/ zero pressure container, the effects of gravity still exist. In glass factories they have big containers which can have high pressure or reduce air pressure to a zero absolute pressure (high pressure to create laminated glass). When they go to zero absolute pressure, the glass inside doesn't start floating around like it is 'zero G'. Ergo gravity does exist.

    7. It has never been demonstrated EVER that a big object attracts a small one. It's all bullshit. Can't believe they duped 99% of the human population of the lies of gravity. (G)ravity is a hoax.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Annon, I fail to see how that even remotely comes close to proving a concept such as gravity. Objects won't float in a vacuum because they are still denser than the surrounding medium.

  16. Flat Earth is ridiculous. I can't believe so many fall for it. It doesn't even make any sense. From the sun's appearance during the day, the moon at night, the movement of all the other planets that are visible to us at certain times, the seasons here on Earth, etc., a globe makes perfect sense.

    The topic of Flat Earth is only here to contaminate the truth community and make us look stupid.

  17. Gravity does not exist. The reason why things fall is because of density and buoyancy laws. If there is such as a force to pull everything to the center of earth, why do feathers float in the air? What discriminates feathers from anvils?.... It's called density. If the ambient air/water is denser then you will float, if you are denser then you will sink/fall. There is also the "propelling force" to be considered. You can have an outside force act against the density force. Earth is not a globe.. come on truthseekers

    1. WRONG. Look at a vacuum container (zero absolute pressure) and inside it gravity still works exactly the same as the ambient level outside of the container. Glass factories have massive steel containers which can go from high to zero pressure. I worked in one once (a rat got stuck in and was squashed tighly to its skeleton). In zero pressure, the glass doesn't start floatng around. There have been thousands of experiements over the past 150 years of vacuum (zero absolute pressure) containers which demonstrate this. Your problem is you took a theory for granted and haven't applied it in a zero pressure situation; had you done so, you'd see it is false. Knowledge is power - think for yourself. FE is a Masonic psyop.

    2. I will admit I don't know the science of vacuum containers, nor do I need to in order to know Earth is flat and motionless. We are told space is a vacuum so how can rocket ships propel? There is nothing to propel against lol. I've heard globe head rebuttals to this and none make sense. What is your explanation?

  18. I used to be a nasa fan boy. I used to believe I could go to the moon one day in the future if u saved up enough AU&AG. Now after thousands of hrs of research I now know without a shadow of a doubt that earth is not a spinning globe we cannot go nor have we ever gone to the moon. Curvature cannot be found or measured anywhere, you can see farther than you should be able to across the ocean frozen lakes etc. Seeing things that should be 20 miles below the horizon are clear as day. The globe narrative is crumbling every day more and more ppl are having the shit mist veil slowly removed from in front of their eyes. Anyone who takes the time to put 12 hours of objective research in will prove that we've been decieved on a massive scale. Only difference between flaters and globers is that the flat earth peeps have put in the time of research.

  19. I used to be a nasa fan boy. I used to believe I could go to the moon one day in the future if u saved up enough AU&AG. Now after thousands of hrs of research I now know without a shadow of a doubt that earth is not a spinning globe we cannot go nor have we ever gone to the moon. Curvature cannot be found or measured anywhere, you can see farther than you should be able to across the ocean frozen lakes etc. Seeing things that should be 20 miles below the horizon are clear as day. The globe narrative is crumbling every day more and more ppl are having the shit mist veil slowly removed from in front of their eyes. Anyone who takes the time to put 12 hours of objective research in will prove that we've been decieved on a massive scale. Only difference between flaters and globers is that the flat earth peeps have put in the time of research.

  20. The earth is flat hence hollow earth and US government trying to cover it up where the entrance is in Anarctica. Zach, your truth is misguided on this one.

  21. Take a look at ANY NASA photo of space or a, does any of that look real? Nope...why should we believe anything a government space agency tells us? This is probably the only thing I disagree with Zach on. I'm not sold on flat but I'm not sold on a globe. Zach you need to watch other videos on things like...NASA Space Shuttles not even escaping the atmosphere after their launches, the green screens that "astronauts" stand behind while they're in "space" on a space shuttle, how they stand upside down to give the effect of zero gravity, and the huge water tank pools they use to do "space walks" in. Not to mention flight paths and real amateur rockets with GOPro cameras on them(they can only get so far) and what you see is..well..just watch one. Would you believe what Trump says to us as the American people? Would you believe a news story on the MSM? Would you believe anything that NASA says?

    1. Why is it that if someone is not a Flat Earther then that means they believe in NASA and everything Official Science tells us about the universe?

      Debunking NASA =/= proving Flat Earth.

      We should come together on what we agree on (that NASA is lying and the universe is not what they claim) rather than arguing over disagreements.

    2. That's what I'm saying...I'm not sold on flat earth, but I think NASA lies to us. In not sold on the system that's in our Science Books either.

  22. Earth is spherical. The stars PROVE this, as do many other things.

    But NASA is fake, and their description of the universe is surely not correct.
    Earth may not be spinning, and it almost certainly is not hurtling through the vast emptiness of space.

    Flat Earthers need to stop getting triggered when people don't accept their view. It has been debunked, but that doesn't mean we go back to believing what they taught us in school.
    There is much more investigation required to find out what's going on. Most Flat Earthers sit in google hangouts 24/7 and just talk the same nonsense they've been going over for 18 months.

    1. Flat Earthers get triggered? lol.
      Globe Earthers are always the first to toss out the "retard" comments. Just check YouTube comment sections on the matter.

      Earth is not spherical if you can see things hundreds of miles away, when their own calculations tell us that it shouldn't be possible.

    2. I'm happy to disagree about the shape of the earth, that's no problem for me. Disagreeing with someone is not a bad thing!

      But yes Flat Earthers get EXTREMELY triggered. I don't believe the official model of the universe and our place in it, but Flat Earthers will hound me and insult me and call me retarded because I don't hold exactly their belief. It's because when I point out problems with the FE, such as the stars, they don't just feel that I'm questioning a claim, they feel that I'm personally attacking them. They identify with Flat Earth, and if you have anything at all to say that is not pro-FE they view you as an enemy. That's my personal experience of 18 months in this topic (for quite a while I pretty much was a Flat Earther).

      And yes the regular sheeple get extremely triggered by these kinds of topics as well, I agree with you there.

  23. Always believe the opposite of whatever NASA says.

  24. Why NASA then cannot give us a true picture of the earth if the earth is a sphere? All are fake or computer generated images.Most likely then , americans have not gone to space or have not landed to the moon. Ask ur yourself why americans did not come back to the moon?


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