Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

118 144 221 | George H.W. & Barbara Bush hospitalized January 18, 2017 & Donald Trump's tweet at 2:21 PM

'Hospitalized', it is the word these days.

This news for George H.W. Bush and his wife comes January 18, 2017, a date connecting to 'President' and death.

1/18/2017 = 1+18+20+17 = 56 (President = 47/56/110)

One wonders if the 'acute respiratory problem' is a tribute to the 115th Congress.

2:21 tweet time, nice.

The Bavarian Illuminati = 221 (221-days from H.W.'s birthday until today)

The date of Establishment for the Bavarian Illuminati is May 1, 1776.

5/1/1776 = 5+1+17+76 = 99
Thirteen = 99
Established with 13-families

George H.W. Bush was the 41st President.  41, the 13th prime

USA = 41
13 Colonies
13 Stripes
13-years of programming (K-12)

America = 129 (Jewish Gematria)

You have to appreciate how Bill talks in numbers.

Bill Clinton was the 41st person to be President, #42.  G HW B was #41, the 40th person to be President.

6/12/1924 = 6+12+19+24 = 61 (White House = 52/61/133)
6/12/1924 = 6+12+(1+9+2+4) = 34
6/12/1924 = 6+1+2+1+9+2+4 = 25
6/12/24 = 6+12+24 = 42 (Freemason) (Bonesmen = 33/42)

From his 92nd birthday until today is a span of 221-days, like Trump's tweet time.

His 93rd birthday is 145-days from today, or a span of 146.

Remember, Barbara Bush departed the White House in 1993.

6/8/1925 = 6+8+19+25 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society) (George W. Bush)
6/8/1925 = 6+8+1+9+2+5 = 31
6/8/25 = 6+8+25 = 39 (39, reflection of 93)

Notice she is 91-years-old.  When you sum 1 through 13, it totals 91.


  1. This is another thing Gary will be wrong on, he said George HW Bush is going to live to 100 years old lol.

  2. just remembered tomorrow is the big day , 1-19, 11-9...hope they both die tomorrow, tho it would be a hoax anyway, or is it Trump day?

    1. More likely they die on 1/21 for Revelations coding and that will be 4 months 22 days before his 93rd. 4×22=88=Trump.

    2. That is also 142 days or 20 weeks 2 days.

  3. If one -- or both -- "die" ... then that provides Bush Jr. (& his cohorts) with a PLAUSIBLE excuse not to attend the inauguration ... or be anywhere in the vicinity.

    "PLAUSIBLE" = (J) - ** 407 ** ... (E) - 582

    Pyth/Simple = ** 97/16 **

    Also: ** 43 ** (S exception) -- Bush Jr's #, 34 (Reduced), 7

    The recent "SpaceX Launch" article was full of:

    Familiar words & phrases that make the gobbledygook believable.

    "PLAUSIBLE TERMINOLOGY" = (J) - 1198 ... (E) - 1500

    Pyth/Simple - 250, 106 (S exception), ** 97/16 ** (Reduced), 7

    Interestingly .. the Pyth for "PLAUSIBLE" is ** 97 ** /16/7 ...

    the SAME as Pyth ("S exception") for "PLAUSIBLE TERMINOLOGY".

    It's as if "TERMINOLOGY" is ... EXPENDABLE.

    1. Interesting observation, with the possibility of both deaths occurring on 1/19(like 119,911) or one and then the other occurring within nine or eleven days from that date.

      9 days from 1/19 is 1/28 (Or 128)
      11 days from 1/19 is 1/30 (Or 130)
      "One Hundred And Twenty Eight" in English Reduction=121
      "One Hundred And Thirty" in English Reduction=101
      "Two Hundred and Twenty Two" in English Reduction equals 100
      The Octal Numeral of "100" is "144"

  4. Countdown to President Obama's final day 1/20 (or 120)

    "Barack Obama" in the English Gematria system equals 221
    "January Twentieth" in the English Reduction system equals 70
    The divisors of "70" sum to "144"(1+2+5+7+10+14+35+70=144)
    "One Hundred And Twenty" in English Sumerian equals 1404(Or 144)
    "Final Days" in the English Ordinal system equals 91
    "Ninety One" in the English Ordinal system equals 121 (Or 1/21)

    1. Also Papa Bush is "92" years old.
      "Ninety Two Years Old" in English Reduction equals 82
      The Octal numeral of "82" is "122" (Or 221)
      Octal means "Eight"
      "Eight" in the English Reduction system equals 31

  5. The second I saw Bush 41 born in Massachusetts and lived in Texas
    CIA , Oil, NWO

    I thought about the 14/41 coded or 55
    Obama 55

    Packers going for 14 championships and 5 rings
    AAron rodgers seed #4


    Does he knock out BOTH #1 seeds?

    Packers would be the 11th team to reach the super bowl as a Wildcard.

    Preventing Belichilk 9th super bowl and Brady's 7th

    Rodgers 2-0 NFC27th 5th Super Bowl
    Paul horning wore #5 went to ND the fighting Irish they beat Brady the Irish wolverine ?

    #27 Ed Lacey from Bama was asked to lose weight he's 5'11" (55)
    Saturn/Satan (55)
    234lbs (106)Kg lol

    1. 106 keys? Lol.

      How about the 12th meeting between the Packers and Patriots, between #12 and #12? Super Bowl shows would eat that shit up.
      'Green Bay, Wisconsin' = 1212
      Game Date numerology of 44 (2+5+20+17 = 44)
      'Forty four' = 144

      That was one of the earlier things I orchestrated.

    2. Other fun and not fully developed number stuff,
      Favre was 74th 1st Ballot hall of famer in NFL, 74.
      His consecutive game streak of 297 games is (6 x 33 or 3 x 99)
      This season he was the 5th 1st Balloter, 51, in the Season of LI.
      Kevin Greene, the ex packer coach that 'coached Matthews to beat the steelers' also made it in the HOF this year.
      He was drafted #113 overall. 11 x 3 = 33
      'NRG Energy' = 113

      Paul Hornung’s birthdate of 12-3 is 47 days from super bowl 51. 47th modern super bowl that is

      Curtis Martin, from New England in SB 31 years? He was 74th overall pick.

    3. 3 × 3 × 33 = 297 Glorious Favre Starts

    4. I posted a story a while back about Kevin Greene AND Favre, both this season's inductees, talking shit about Cam Newton being a qb late hit puss.

      Then GB picks up that dude from the Panthers this week. Was #25 on the Panthers, he wears #31 for Green Bay now.

      Could be them losing in the SB. But no, I doubt it.

      He was responsible for the 300 yard Julio Jones game, which he was then released for, funny. But the panthers wasn't his most recent team. I will check to see where he shat last.

  6. Paul Hournung numbers are just fitting.

    #5 round 1 pick #1
    4 time champ

    Favre #4
    Together 45! Both in the Hall

    The hall of fame game is in Ohio.
    Trump RNC Ohio
    45 jersey

  7. Paul Wall Houston
    Hebert Walker Bush
    Paul Walker crashed & burned

  8. Brady's Passer Rating 112!
    Date of game 1/22
    Trump tweet 2:21
    Patriots #1 seed
    Packers #4 seed

    14/41 or 55

    14 championships for Packers and 5 rings

    Or 5 rings for Brady


  9. Rodgers is on Fire and Mike Mcarthy was on the hot seat ealier in the season


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