Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 20, 2017

13 45 | Donald Trump's Inauguration Day speech being compared to Bane's remarks in the film The Dark Knight Rises +Trump's "I am Batman"

Honestly, I think the headlines that Trump quoted Bane are next to baseless.  That said... there is something I am reminded of...

1/20/2017 = 1+2+0+2+0+1+7 = 13

I am reminded of when Donald Trump said "I am Batman".

If you missed that video, enjoy.

Nice :58 'tweet' time for the 58th Presidential Inauguration, on 1/20/2017.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58


  1. With all these 45 and 13 clues I am shocked you have yet to even do the math on today's life lesson number 1+2+0+2+0+1+7 = 13

    And again, why ignore the 9 from 9:58.... why not add that shit together at the very least...

    9+58 = 67 = Revelation, Blood Sacrifice, Freemasonry, The Art of the Deal

    1. The LifePath number of today is 4, matching the LifePath number of Trump's birthdate.

    2. I wrote about 13 in an earlier post today. I have put out a lot of posts.

  2. Bane = 58 in English gematria (Trump is 58th term president)
    Bane = 48 in Jewish gematria/Francis Bacon gematria (Donald Trump=48 R)

  3. Thr Dark Knight Rises Up=117, muhahahahahahahahaha.

    Oh man, I hope Atlanta loses and I look like a dick.


    DXY down to 100.81. 181
    Dow up 94.85 (13.13) 0.48%
    NASDAQ ends at 5555.33 (55 is the number attributed to Satan)

  5. This Saturn stuff never ends...Trump's speech had 1455 words. 1455+5541 = 6996

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "plagiarize" in the English Reduction system equals 59
    "fifty nine" in the English Reduction system equals 54
    "five nine" in the English Ordinal system equals 84

  8. During his campaign he plagiarized part of the monologue/speech from the movie "Citizen Kane" with Orson Welles. Kane/Bane
    "Kane" in the English Reduction system equals 13
    "Bane" in the English Reduction system equals 13
    "The Dark Knight Rises" in English Ordinal equals 206(Or 26)

    1. Also, "Make America Great Again" was a slogan of promise that the actor turned Politician/President Ronald Reagan used in the 80's. Dr. Ben Carson began using the slogan first when he was campaigning for President and then Trump copied him. When Carson was saying this, I was puzzled because it is actually a racist comment and is referencing white supremacy ideologies and slavery in the south.

      "Make America Great Again"-K-exception(K=11)sums to 102
      (Like 120, 1/20)
      "Slavery" in the English Ordinal system equals 102
      "Ronald Reagan" in English Reduction equals 56(Like 59/95)
      The divisors of "56" sum to "120"
      "Dr. Ben Carson"-S-Exception(S=9) sums to 59
      "President Donald Trump" in English Reduction equals 95
      "President Ronald Reagan"-English Ordinal equals 220(Or 22)
      "White Supremacy"-S-Exception(S=10)sums to 79
      "79" is the 22nd prime

  9. 84 and 33 on inauguration day:
    By LIBERTY MCARTOR Published on January 20, 2017
    President Donald Trump continued an 84-year-old tradition this morning, joining with his family, the Vice President, and dozens of faith and political leaders for a private prayer service at St. John’s Episcopal Church. The church is located in Lafayette Square just north of the White House.

    Every President since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933 has prayed at St. John’s on Inauguration Day morning, The Hill reported.


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