Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 1, 2017

203 | Reader Contribution, 203-days from Orlando Nightclub shooting hoax to Istanbul Nightclub shooting hoax


  1. January 9th (1/9) or (9/1): Blood Sacrifice = 67. 67 the 19th prime. "January ninth" = 155
    -will be 55 years 5 months and 5 days after Obama is born (8/4/1961)
    -will be 5 months and 5 days before Trump’s Birthday (6/14/17) or 156 days (156 the god number).
    -will be 48 days = 6 weeks 6 days = 1 month 18 days from the kennedy assassination
    -Obama=84, born 8/4, 84 days=2016 hours—66 books in the bible,— Death=118 (jewish)
    -will be 270 days or 38 weeks 4 days after Lincoln was shot 14/4
    -Death = 38, Obama 84
    -will be 5599 days after 9/11/2001. 5599 the 77th prime number. On 9/11/2001 flight 77 crashed into the 77 foot tall pentagon on the 77th W meridian 77 minutes after take off. septe
    -will be 7307 days after Obama first joined Illinois Government (1/8/1997) according to wiki. 7307 the 931st prime number. Where both Lincoln assassination attempts happened; Willard Hotel and Fords theater, both equal 139.
    7307 days = 20 years 2 days = 1043 weeks 6 days.
    22 master number, Obama 43rd president, every number up to 36 summed =666. every number summed up to 63 = 2016.
    -will be 1014 weeks from his birth day in 1997. Assassin =411 (jewish) kennedy died from 114 Elm street.
    -will be a total span of 159 days from his 8/4/2016 birthday.
    ‘one hundred fifty nine’ = 108/216. The sum of the divisors of 159 = 216….108 year chicago, illinois cub drought broken. 6x6x6=216. 108+108 =216.
    -will be 207 days before Obama’s 8/4/2017 birthday. sum of the divisors of 207 = 312. (156 god number 156+156 = 312)
    -will be 227 days = 32 weeks 3 days from 24/8
    “president donald trump’ =248, 22/7=3.14, ‘twenty Two divided by seven”= 314 (cycles, circles.) Lucifer = 323 (jewish)
    -will be 216 days before 13/8 also written 8/13
    Donald trump =138. Ku klux klan =138. 7/22 =.318. Wheel =318, Jesus =318. 6x6x6 = 216 (2016)
    216 days = 7 months 4 days (74) = 30 weeks 6 days. every number summed up to 36 = 666
    -will be 86 days = 2 months 25 days from Game 1 of NCLS series cubs won 8-4, obama-84…etc. 225th day of year 13/8. Game 1: 9/9 for Team Hits, Illinois=99. ((1 run in the 9th) January ninth (1/9). Might get 86’d?
    - will be 11 weeks 4 days from game 5 of NCLS chicago cubs won 8-4..Assassin 411. Kennedy died from 114 elm street
    In relation to MASH:
    -will be 49 days or 1 month 9 days from the 84th episode of MASH aired (William christopher dead at 84. (11/21) revelation= 49. 19 = Jan 9th.
    -will be 93 days from the release of season 8 episode 4 of MASH. (10/8) Cubs 108 year drought. Saturn = 93
    -will be 44 days or 1 month 14 days from the 184th episode (aired 11/26)of MASH. Kill = 44. Assassin =411. JFK shot from 114 Elm street
    -will be 313 days from episode 48 featured in season 2. (248). aired (March 2, (3/2) “president donald trump” =248. John F Kennedy = 131. Slide 313 of the Zapruder film of his assassination shows his head coming apart. episode 48 titled “ a smattering of intelligence” = 119. All seeing eye, Star of David,master plan= 119
    -will be 60 days or 8 weeks 4 days (84) or 1440 hours since Episode 33 aka episode 9 of season 2 aired (33/9). Episode aired 11/10. “sixty days” = 38. Death = 38. kill = 144. Episode titled “Dear Dad… Three” =93. Saturn =93.
    -will be 333 days from Episode 67 aka episode 19 of season 3 aired feb 11, (2/11) Episode titled “aid station” = 40/49/112. Production code for episode = B322. Aired in 1975. 2017-1975= 42. Freemason= 42. 333 days from Feb/11/2016. 33 days from Feb/11/2017.

    1. From Jan 9th to his last press conference. 3 weeks 3 days. 12/16/16

      5599 days from 9/11/2001. "five thousand five hundred ninety nine" = 389. 389 the 77th prime!!.

  2. Ktla channel 5, reporter said he vows 2017 will be "the year of the truth".

    1. Been seeing similar comments from New age-y friends of mine. The ghost ship had several "welcome to satya yuga" pictures on their website. Satya yuga means "truth age." Also been seeing comments of the dead coming back to life. Which ties into several pop music videos like "after the after party" by Charlie xcx and the new sia music vid. Strange stuff. Reminds me of roiscrucian Cosmo conception" by max heindel.

      If the secret societies and religions are right--that we are spirits in the material world--then we are, arguably, the walking dead. our bodies are a part of the "mineral kingdom" (as rudolf steiner calls it). Our bodies are made of matter, not spirit. A rock is made of matter, but it is not alive. A wall is made of matter, but it is not alive. If your arm is cut off, is it now dead? Are you still you? Where does "you" begin and end? From this perspective nothing is truly alive and nothing is truly dead. Life and death are illusions. (This is the esoteric meaning of schroedinger's cat. The box represents space and time, the cat represents the physical body which never leaves the "box" of space and time.) Baffling stuff.

      Maybe 2017 is the year the world wakes up to the spiritual world and becomes "illuminated." Or maybe it's something sinister. Read p. 4 of "rosicrucian Cosmo conception." Heindel says that there's going to be a mass destruction of bodies. Look at the 1st "rule" of the georgia guidestones. Do the warlocks and witches of the world actually plan on killing 93% (saturn=93) of the world's population? Is it a metaphor? How would they do it logistically?

      Regardless, I think 2017 will be eye opening.

    2. Synchronicity/an example:


    tweet time 1:52. mr zimmerman age 33 wearing vikings favre jersey


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