Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 8, 2017

216 | Meryl Streep's Trump speech at the 74th Golden Globes, January 8, 2016, 'Nothing good about it'

Remember, Trump has his convention in Cleveland, home of the (216).

These remarks were made at the 74th Golden Globes.

Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Occult = 74
*Golden Globes = 54/63/117

Meryl Streep = 57/66/156 (Woman = 66) (Thirty-Three = 66/156)

Notice her birthday is June 22, or 22/6.

Two Hundred Twenty Six = 93
Propaganda = 93

She is currently 67-years old.  Woman = 67 (Jewish Gematria)
International Women's Day is the 67th day of the year, March 8

6/22/1949 = 6+22+19+49 = 96 (Freemason)
6/22/1949 = 6+22+(1+9+4+9) = 51
6/22/1949 = 6+2+2+1+9+4+9 = 33
6/22/49 = 6+22+49 = 77 (GG = 77) (Golden Globes....)

His birth numerology connects to her birth name gematria.

Of course Washington D.C. is on the 77th Meridian West.  Power = 77; Judaism = 77

As for the '221' gematria... The Bavarian Illuminati = 221

From today until Streep's 68th birthday is 166-days, connected to 'The White House'.


  1. She came out to accept her award at 7:07. it was hilarious

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What exactly has Trump done to get criticism? Everything he has done up to this point has been remarkable and good. The left is so sick and twisted and sad and corrupt and evil and loser!

    1. So then why is he hated by the zionist gang? Why are they trying to block him from office? Why??

    2. Looks like we got ourselves a new shill...

      The Zionists hate him? Is that his real count crushed his exit poll numbers? And does that explain why he's chosen one of the ultimate pro-Israeli cabinets ever? This has got to be a fucking joke.

      There are plenty of blogs out there that focus on sports - it only makes a fraction of the content here. I'd like to see how many consecutive champs anyone else could pick while informing the public AND building a website that has the goal of bringing down TPTB.

      But of course you're hoping the readers don't understand that.

  4. Your a clown son, need to read a book.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Meryl Streep is under MK Ultra Mind Control, remember the movie (about Military/Gov't Mind Control) that she was in with Denzel Washington "Manchurian Candidate".

    "Manchurian Candidate" in the English Reduction system equals 82
    The divisors of "82" sum to 126 (or 216) (1+2+41+82=126)

    "MK Ultra Mind Control" in the English Reduction system equals 80
    "Meryl Streep" in the English Reduction system equals 57
    The divisors of "57" sum to "80"(1+3+19+57=80)
    "Denzel Washington" in the English Reduction system equals 79
    The divisors of "79" sum to "80"(79+1=80)

    "Meryl Streep" in English Ordinal equals 156
    The 156th prime is "911"
    "Denzel Washington" using the S-exception equals "88"
    "Trump" in the English Ordinal system equals 88
    The duodecimal value of "88" equals "74"
    The 74th Annual Global Globe Awards
    "Golden Globe Awards" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    Denzel was snubbed for the Best Actor award and it was given to Casey Affleck. The movie that Casey received the award for, was produced by Matt DEMON. Last year Will Smith was overlooked at the 88TH Academy Awards for Best Actor nomination and was replaced with Matt Damon/Demon. Now that incident created a sort of race war media frenzy.

    "Best Actor Award" using the S-Exception equals 60
    "Matt Damon" in the English Sumerian system equals 606

    "Best Actor Award" in the English Reduction system equals 51
    Denzel's movie and Will Smith's movie are both referencing Football

    "Fences" in the English Sumerian system equals 312
    "Concussion" in the English Ordinal system equals 132
    "Superbowl Fifty One" in the English Ordinal system equals 231

    1. Also:
      "Race War Propaganda" in English Ordinal equals 162(like 216)
      "Trump Tombstone" in the English Sumerian system equals 1266

    2. The number 166 is coming up a lot, it's in the Oblivion movie, its the Drone 166 that cruise fixes when he is at the destroyed Met Life stadium. This looks like a link to the Stadium and White house being broken or destroyed like the events are connected?

    3. she is a slave..with a chip in her head...there all scared they will be tortured and killed if they don't do as told

  7. Also: Cecil B. Demille a Filmmaker famous for all those biblical referenced whitewashed films such as The Ten Commandments and Samson & Delilah.

    "Cecil Blount Demille" in the English Sumerian system equals 1056
    "Race War Propanganda" in the English Sumerian system equals 1056
    "Meryl Streep" in the English Ordinal system equals 156
    The 156th prime is "911"

    1. "Cecil B. DeMille award" in the English Ordinal system equals 141
      "Adam Weishaupt" in the English Ordinal system equals 141
      "DeMille" in the English Reduction system equals 33

  8. Patriotism is just something Old Navy uses to sell red, white, and blue t-shirts in late June.

  9. zacc is homosexual who gets fucked by asian ladyboys gary married a model

  10. The dress she's wearing has an X design across her chest.

  11. When Goldie Hawn was on she couldn't read the teleprompter well on purpose as a joke. She said 216. Instead of 2016. I was trying to watch and see what I could catch. I called B.s. right away on Meryl. She's part of the gang.

    1. They are all part of the gang. Anyone who thinks there is even a single holy redeemer tromping around the fiery hills of Hellywood is a fool. They each and every one play their part. Some of them are "blessed" enough to play the roles of humanitarian good guys or everymen, but they are all soul-less pieces of filth with 0% free will and 100% self-ego-obsessed-love. The End.

  12. According to my research, we never had a sovereign country. For example, if the revolution was won, why did the US have to pay reparations? If the fight was against the British Empire, why does King George III refer to himself as a Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire? Did you know that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on 7/4/1826? Then 1826 days later Monroe died on 7/4/1831. I wonder what the odds are of having 3 US Presidents, die in a row, on the 4th of July, with a connection to the number 1826 is? They were murdered over the Monroe Doctrine which was a response to the Treaty of Verona 11/22/1822. In this treaty Rome and a number of RC monarchs made a pact to destroy all popular forms of self-government. Today all 4 men behind Obama are Roman Catholic. ( probability 1.46%) The Supreme Court was made up of 3 Zionists (2% US population) and 6 Roman Catholics (25%). The probability of this happening is only 1 in 6.1 million. Monroe's VP Tompkins died on 6/11/1825, just 99 days out of office. Ten days short of 51 years old.

  13. Guys y'all need to stop criticizing Mr Hubbard. He is working day in day out to inform us of what is going on around us. We should be thankful for his work. If you disagree with him, then provide evidence. Or else, just move on elsewhere.

    1. Kuliat...he is doing such a strong job that they are employing people to come after him. I've never met a real person with any knowledge of gematria who thinks any of the things about him these animals say. Even if he's right, they will make him wrong. Honestly he's probably better off dumping predictions and just focusing on the numbers that clearly, consistently point to flagrant rigging.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Prove that Trump is a zionist. Prove it. Obama has proven it with his support of world government, BLM, pushing his Russian hacking election agenda. On and on and on....While Obama uses his fake birth certificate and growing inside the CIA and being black in order to destroy the constitution and bring down the west by bringing in as many muslim terrorists as possible and enabling the group called ISIS.


  17. Why does Obama sabotage him with Russia hack and trying to start conflict with putin? Islrael? Obama is a closet Muslim. Fraud.

  18. Zack , Trump is Sending your faggot ass
    Back to Walmart! No more freelancing!

    Picking games is not your strength.

  19. Someone doesn't understand divide and conquer. It's all just different sects of insanely wealthy haves who care nothing about the regular person. Until we get a guy who tries dumping the federal reserve, and is willing to admit NASA is a fraudulent operation, we little guys are SOL.

  20. Trump is an elitist and does not care about the American people. Do you really think he is going to make a positive difference in the lives of the normal American person? If you do, I'm so sad you think that way. Like with every president we've ever had, they only care about serving their handlers which are our oppressors. We are all slaves to their system. I'm in aggreement with you Obama was terrible but Trump is going to take it to a whole other level. Trump knew he could reach certain people in the "Truth" community by "bashing" the elite (which he is a part of, please watch the documentary "The Eighties"on Netflix). The whole agenda as said many times before is to divide and conquer. I really believe they are setting it up for Trump to be "assassinated" this will cause people like you to take to the street in rage. Trump is definitely a part of this New World Order which we are currently living in you will see in due time.
    Peace to you and yours.


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