Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 5, 2017

22 79 | The 'Vegetable', the 'master' 'food' choice (Gematria reveals so much...)

Notice how the gematria of 'food' connects to 'master'.  We are what we eat.

'22' is the master builder number in numerology, it represents foundation and all that comes after it.  Think about this numerology parallel to, "You are what you eat."

Notice further how the word 'vegetable' connects to '22'.

You should know that human intestines are the same as herbivore intestines, and much longer than carnivore intestines.  Our own bodies reveal the truth, we are best suited for eating fruits and vegetables, not meat.

Plus, when you eat vegetables, you don't have to support this.


  1. Seeing how they slaughter the animals is heartbreaking. It was enough to turn me into a vegetarian. Kinda hard to make the leap to vegan when you have an Italian family who uses cheese a lot though lol. I at least make sure that it's organic cheese if I'm consuming it.

    1. im vegetarian too (I like organic cheese LOL)

    2. Yes, it is very hard to be vegan in most cultures.

    3. It is hard to be vegan in most cultures and I have no doubt this was done on purpose. I come from a mostly German background with some Italian and people always tell me that I'm practically forbidden to be a vegan because of protein. Well Infinite Waters completely proves this doesn't have to be the case. I think meat was inducted into most cultures for this reason.

    4. Whole foods (fruit and veggies & more), complex carbrs and organic is the best for the human body for health and aesthetics

    5. I am vegan. It is easy. Instead of meat, I eat huge portions of things like rice quinoa potatoes and corn. I eat a lot of fruits in the warmer months like smoothies. But eat lots of potatoes and rice bowls or quinoa bowls. People have brain washed into eating meat and people are afraid that their friends won't like them if they say no. There's tons of vegan cheese out there if you need a substitute. Hi.ans are meant to run off sugar but the media tells you sugar is bad but OK to eat greasy meat. There's tons of vegans on YouTube that give advice on how to stay vegan and tips on what to do in certain situations.

      4 years ago I challenged myself to try being vegan for a month and I ended up being vegan for four yrars and I'll never go back!! My health is way better!! I lost weight and feel great!!! Don't use excuses and say it's too hard!!! It's really easy!!!!!! It's gets a lot easier after awhile. Learn to find vegan meals you like out at restaurants or ask the waitress if they can make any of the meals vegan for you! The US is the #1 meat eating culture but it has the most hospitals!! Being sick and overweight is big business. Don't be another victim. Become vegan today. Order a vegan starter kit. Use to find vegan meals near you. There might be vegan meetups/eatups near you. There's vegan Facebook groups that can answer your questions and help you in your journey.

    6. Adam the first man created was a vegetatrian also CHRIST came to the earth as the second adam and he also didn't eat flesh but fish. So they claim say about the "fish"

  2. Eating meat is what causes several health problems down the line. Our bodies are not meant to consume meat. One of the biggest advantages of the vegan diet is that it is low in saturated fat. high in fiber. That's a very heart-healthy diet. for people who are looking to control their cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and certain cardiovascular risk factors, this could be the diet for you, vegan..after a while you get used to not eating meat.

    1. Our bodies aren't meant to live forever though. Just gonna throw this out there even I'm not the kind of person who thinks we should live by ALL the words in the Bible... The Bible says "Get Up Peter, kill and eat."(God talking to Peter) -Acts 10:13. The problem isn't meat. The processing of it is the problem. The strictly vegan diet is fine and dandy if you want to go that route but eating meat shouldn't be considered the WRONG thing to do.

    2. our bodies just aren't anatomically structured to consume meat.

    3. I'm still alive Jayhawk.

    4. In my opinion, we should be killing our own animals for food. Plus eating alot of fruits and vegetables. But since America is what it is, we get our necessity of meat processed to us.

    5. Humans r very adaptable. Being able to process all kinds of different foods is good trait to have. Any species that can only thrive on the purest of pure foods is a species that will die out the minute those ideal conditions change.

    6. Mad dog read the rest verses THE MOST HIGH wasnt talking about eating flesh. It was about the Jews and gentile coming together because it wasn't a common thing that the Jews associated themselves with the gentiles because they were considered to be unclean. Thats why the MOST HIGH is not a respecter of person. Don't just read one part of the bible and run with it. Or else you won't understand the bible precept upon precept line upon line here a little there a little.

    7. To be clear.. I have no agenda here.. Other than now showing you you're wrong about what it CLEARLY says.

      11. He(Peter) saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

      14. “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

      15 The voice spoke to him a second time,“Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

      How do you read that any other way than THE MOST HIGH (or whatever you want to call it) telling Peter to eat the animals aforementioned?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Fuck yeah for fiber - no wipe Wednesdays, or any other day for that matter, are the greatest.

  5. Zach, thank you for sharing all this knowledge regarding western diet and medicine. As a vegan, do you consume bee pollen? I know vegans who eat bee pollen as a supplement.

  6. I think more in terms of symbology. You are what you eat is like saying you are the data you accept as true. Finding one thing to be healthier/better for u over another thing is purely placebo effect. You expect to feel better, after all you r sticking to the guide ("facts") you are told will cure u/ is ideal for your body et... this also enables u to feel superior over others - no wonder they are inferior they are clogged with meat/sugar/carbs/"bad" food of the moment.
    The thing is no one can manage to eat such a limited diet for so long, it's expensive, v time consuming, and not v appetizing, and u will go off it and this sets u up for endless self blame and paranoia that u r being poisoned. I went thru that crap 8 years ago. No thanks.
    Veganism is just another version of the fake news, fake health scares, and fake history we have been given by the overlords IMO.
    It doesn't matter what u eat, its your belief that something is bad or good for u that's most important.

    1. Ahh that's the greatest info ever, now i can full fill my dream and drink Cyanide by the gallon..I will be a god! I will have positive thoughts..Cyanide Good, Cyanide Great um um Cyanide!

    2. You want to drink Cyanide? Really? I didn't know that was classified as a food. I wouldn't recommend it but eating a hamburger or a twinkie won't do u any harm.

      Or go be a super vegan. I don't care.

      I love the way you go straight to the most retarded hyperbole...cyanide! Lol, you are just like the media. Fox News would give that one a high five, lol

    3. Apple seeds contain Cyanide so yes its in foods.

    4. To me the meat nowadays have vaccine and different drugs in them. If on not going to take the vaccine shot why would I eat an animal that has vaccine and these different drugs. Just saying

    5. Apple seeds, apricot kernels contain B17 and are used to kill cancer.

  7. Zach you should inform correctly about a vegan diet and how you supplement or at least tell ppl to seek a nutritionist to make sure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

    1. only thing u need to supplement is b12. comes from the dirt but cuz every grown food is sprayed and washed it goes away.

  8. All meat eaters should supplement with B12. Not just vegans. 40 percent of the meat eating population do not get enough b12 from diet alone either
    It's from the soil. Most things found in meat are there because they vitamin dope the animals. All you need is in plants. Just eat a variety of them. Most people find that they need to supplement less when they go vegan. There's tons of iron supplements on on shelves because there's tons of vegans, no wait there isn't many. So meat eaters have iron problems. I've heard of many people having to stop taking iron pills since becoming vegan. It doesn't hurt to get blood work done and go to a nutritionist. Eating a low fat plant based diet bases around fruits vegetables grains and legumes starches etc is the best thing. I used to be feeling sick the majority my whole life and now I feel totally awesome!!

    1. props to u dennis. i like people who give a shit about the well being of other species. like u said iron comes from plants lentils , beans, nuts, seeds, and veggies. more iron in there than any piece of dead flesh

  9. This is my 2 year anniversary of not eating any meat or fish. (No I am not a Veggie-Nazi). Before Gematria, once I realized that the shedding of blood is NOT what the author of Life intends, THEN I realized that there was another 'god/LORD' at work from The Beginning. Hope this helps others...

    You are what you eat. If it's dead, guess what.... that's what you are eating.... (coming from someone who loved to B-B-q)

    Beef: It's what's rotting in your colon.

    Your health care is in your hands.

  10. Cults are always recruiting.

    Question every fact they give you just like u question the mainstream news. Scrutinize and be skeptical. "Alternative media" is bullshit it's all from the same place.

  11. that might be the funniest thing you ever wrote.

  12. I wanna be vegan but with this economy it's so hard. Fuck the government healthy food should be cheap too


    2. Some things are a bit more. But you cut chicken breasts and whatever other meat off your bill and you will save allot

  13. It's also important to "Detox" through fasting (such as juicing and water) because processed food is full of toxic chemicals (preservatives) that over time contaminate the blood and breakdown the immune system.

  14. thank you for posting this :)

    veganism is not a cult lol. original humans were plant eaters. ital/ahimsa lifestyle has been around thousands of years longer than the mainstream vegan movement and "alternative media". veganisms been alive and well in the middle east, africa and india for thousands of years don't be fooled by the satanic media. it's not a mainstream white lifestyle it's living off of mother earth the way it was thousands of years ago.

    they speak a different language and look different. does that mean their bodies belong to us? absolutely not. vegan health benefits are icing on the cake. it's a movement based on equality not health. what we do is EXACTLY the same as the british coming into my country and saying these people look different and speak different therefore they are inferior and our slaves. think of the victims of "meat (dead body parts)", "dairy" (cow baby breastmilk), "eggs" (chicken periods) and "honey" (bee vomit) and the change is easy.

    don't be fooled yall. if jesus christ existed he was a plant eater 100%

    1. Exactly CHRIST was an Essene, there were only four sects in CHRIST time the Sadducees, the Pharisees the zealots and the essene. I try to show my elder but they love and lust for the flesh that's why the MOST HIGH had the children of israel that took part in eating the quail die in the wilderness. Satan is only one that requires blood. Why would CHRIST be the second adam came and eat flesh. Black people still lust after the flesh that's why most of them have health problems.

  15. also veganism is not expensive lol. it's cheap as hell. buy bulk lentils, beans, rice, potatoes and other vegetables, nuts, and seeds. the only thing that breaks the bank is organic fruit but u dont have to eat organic fruit to be vegan lol

    1. I thought it would be expensive but my bill is like 25% tops since I converted

  16. Serendipity again.

    The main reason fruits and vegetables are good for you is because they're high in silica. Sand/clay/dirt/ earth is what humans are made of. Keeps your body pliant and strong--inside and out. Heart disease is mostly caused by a lack of of silica and vitamin c (and stress.)

    Vitamin c is crucial for collagen synthesis, which is what veins are made of. Look up Linus pauling and vitamin c. I can attest to the effects of c. Great for your skin, too. A doctor told me about it. He's in his 90s and mega dosing with c everyday. Still working, not crippled, still has his wits. Pauling lived into his 90s.

    Here's something to think about: the heart is not a pump. That's why exercise is good for you. That's why people get type two diabetes. Muscle contraction is what drives insulin into cells. That's why people often reverse their condition when they start exercising vigorously.

    1. good info keep your ph up over a 7 with baking soda..lemon ph strips 3 seconds in your mouth or urine test your drinking water and so on red mills baking soda is good

  17. Been Vegan for 6 months. Best decision.. I don't miss a fucking thing. There is cheese, burgers, ice creams. All that bs everyones afraid they will miss out on. You buy different milk and butter and cook, bake or whatever all the same. Tastes good. I had a regular greasy pizza about 1.5 months ago as an experiment for dinner. Nothing excessive, it felt like i ate a stick of dynamite. When you cut lactose out for that long your body re discovers for poisonous it really is. Now to take this all to the next level LOOK UP DR. SEBI ON YOUTUBE. This dude nails it.

  18. I've heard people calling veganism a cult and that makes me sad. I know there are some super annoying self righteous preachy vegans out there but most people I come into contact with do it because they are prepared to look at the absolute horrors that are happening every second of the day to animals and want no part of it. If anyone can watch Earthlings and not feel moved to make changes then, I don't know what to say. For most people it is part of the awakening and is about compassion. If anyone would like more info on veganism and how to eat (it's actually not that expensive or complicated) then Bite Size Vegan (on YouTube)is great for information presented in a very fair way and also Cooking With Plants, for quick, simple, delicious recipes. There has never been a so much info available and it's very exciting. P.S I was brought up in a cult and caring about the welfare of animals and what goes into your body to nourish you, comes nowhere near cultish behaviour. All the best to all :-)

    1. Exactly. It's not a fucking cult lol. It's been around since biblical days cuz Jesus himself if he existed was the leader of the plant based tribe. People need to put their ego to the side that's what we as vegans have done

  19. There's also plenty of symbolism and spirituality behind being vegetarian.

    Everyones listed the health benefits so i wont go into them or the logical human anatomy.

    I think as a society in general we are so numb to death, the fact that we breed these animals in horrible conditions to basically be murdered for our own benefit is wrong, the fact we have to lie from our children about the process of how that meat gets on there plate tells you everything about the situation its horrific to say the least.

    For those of us who are trying to get to the next stage of consciousness, eating another animals energy puts us out of vibration. I believe we should live of the land, not our fellow animals that have as much right to the planet as we do.

    People often bring up that god told us to rule over the animals of the land.. Since when did rule mean kill?

    A ruler is trusted with the responsibility to do what is right for its subjects and to care and govern over them. What we do to animals is everything that is wrong with society and to a lesser extent is what the powers that govern over us treat us. I say a lesser extent because there not slitting our throats yet but the agenda is the same we just have to suffer a long drawn out process of neglect and poisoning before we catch a disease.

  20. I agree on this being a much healthier lifestyle. being a bodybuilder for the last 20 years, I thought it would be hard to transition to a largely vegan diet because of protein bio-availability and the less dense amino profiles of non-meats. Most Vegans I know, while healthy, are skinny (which is fine) or 'skinny-fat' and eat too much soy, a pro-estrogen that in large amounts creates water retention and feminization, (which the elites love). Beer (especially the now popular IPA variety) also has Lupulin in it, an estrogen promoting compound. Not to mention the candida forming yeast and sugar) I do love a cold craft or German beer now and again though. Food wise, it's all down to portions and choice for myself. I do eat a lot of free range eggs and try to keep cheese and dairy out, because they are mucus based and not the best thing for the lymphatic system. I do not drink milk, it is for baby cows, not humans. I eat fish on occasion too, nuts, artichoke pasta, sprouted bread, veggies and fruits (but keep all sugars, even fruit based very low). I do however still have a grass fed steak on occasion. It is funny because while I was 100% involved in bodybuilding, I looked great and had a very low body fat percentage, but was not very healthy. I was the walking, physical, (illusion) of being healthy. While I may not be as razor sharp looking these days, I am much healthier and feel much better. My kitchen cabinet looks like a mad scientist lab. All non GMO (supposedly) goodies. Turmeric, Oregano oil, Ester C, Omega 3, Beet root, Nettle, raw ginseng and ginger, milk thistle, NAC, ALA, grapeseed, resveritrol, plant aminos, elderberry extract, etc. I was raised in the 70's-80's when there was still some health nut, hippie culture around. There were health food stores everywhere filled with health gurus. Here in the wealthy parts of Connecticut, it is now a yuppie thing to eat this way and as a result, prices are insane. It is an expensive lifestyle but you are investing in your health. I see many wealthy people everyday in my life, and while some are healthy most are miserable and sick. Health is wealth.

    1. To sum this up, I am largely a Vegan and support a Vegan diet.

    2. You might enjoy Bite Size Vegan's (on YT) series on vegan athletes, including bodybuilders, nothing skinny about them :)

  21. Ironic that when you're in a coma it's called " Vegetables state" yikes

  22. wow Zach nice to something are what you eat..stop supporting companys that sell poison food and drink

  23. I think the main problem we all have is that we know we r living in a lie and that's why we don't feel so good. Eat all the veggies u want it won't make u more spiritual/enlightened that's just more programming.

  24. It's like a measuring stuck. Mother Nature = good vs Man Made = bad

    Just more duality of the particularly fiendish kind because it's ALL ARTIFICIAL. Vegans can't see that, they are just as blind if not worse than the meat heads because they are totally committed to their POLE and what to "spread the word/good news" and make u feel bad/shaming for not agreeing with them which is what cults do.

    Vegetable = Comatose IS truth hidden in plane site.

    Not that vegetables are bad, but that exclusionary of a food group/labeling it "bad" = war against meat.
    And that will work just as well as the war against drugs/terrorism/etc...

    1. Anyway I hope u discover it and make the connection. It's really Makes things clear and calms oneself :)

  25. Measuring stick not stuck, altho that auto correct made for some typical ironic Masonic Freudian slip humor.

  26. What's the hardest part of eating a vegetable?


  27. It has nothing to do with that. I eat sweets and chips and cookies and shit cuz veganism is not about health and what's bad or good. Eating whole foods plant based dieting which by the way is by far the healthiest way to live if u do some research it's not even close, that is the side benefit. Regardless veganism is about the fact that there's beings here to which we have absolutely no right over. They are not ours to use and their bodies do not belong to us. They maintain nature for us so we can grow and eat from the earth. It's not a war on meat. It's a war on exploitation, oppression, forced impregnation, kidnapping, theft, and ultimately murder of beings that are harmed because they don't look the same as us and don't speak the same language.

  28. I've a friend that is 3-4 yrs into his transition of 'a vegan lifestyle'. He often explains the types of food he consumes and the manner in which he prepares it. Cool stuff, and he doesn't pressure anyone to do as he does. All the while maintaining a healthy physique and positive outlook on life.

    This post is just another sign that maybe a change in my culture and lifestyle is probably... definitely... for my benefit.


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