Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 15, 2017

33 44 53 61 89 144 155 | The death of Eddie Long at 63, January 15, 2017, on the same day Loretta Lynch is at the 16th Street Baptist Church

This man is dead on Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

They're saying 'cancer' got Eddie Lee Long.

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated April 4 (Last speech as Mason Temple, April 3, 1968)

He lead a 'Georgia' based mega church.  Only two states have '44' gematria, Georgia & Wisconsin.

We know how the numbers '44' and '144' are connected to death.  I find it interesting that this news comes on a Sunday, and more specifically, the same Sunday that Loretta Lynch is giving her farewell speech, from a church, that was bombed in '63 (Like his age of death being 63).  

Read more about Loretta Lynch's visit here:

Today's date, January 15, 2017, has a connection to the initials EL, for Eddie Long, as well as the word religion.

E = 5
L = 12 = 1+2 = 3

1/15/2017 = 1+15+20+17 = 53
*Eddie Long was born in '53

EL is a word connecting to 'God':

Today's date can also be written 15/1, something like '151', the 36th prime number.  When you sum 1 through 36, it totals 666.  36 is also the reflection of 63.

They say Jesus was crucified at age 33.

1/15/17 = 1+15+17 = 33

The church was no doubt named with 'gematria' in mind.

Eddie Lee Long was likely raised to be the leader of the mega church that he was.

He has died a span of 118-days before his 64th birthday.

Let us close by examining his birth and death numerology.

5/12/1953 = 5+12+19+53 = 89 (Religion) (King James)
5/12/1953 = 5+12+(1+9+5+3) = 35 (Catholic) (Eye)
5/12/1953 = 5+1+2+1+9+5+3 = 26 (God)
5/12/53 = 5+12+53 = 70
5/12 = 5+12 = 17

1/15/2017 = 1+15+20+17 = 53 (Religion)
1/15/2017 = 1+15+(2+0+1+7) = 26 (God)
1/15/2017 = 1+1+5+2+0+1+7 = 17
1/15/17 = 1+15+17 = 33 (Jesus Crucified at 33)
1/15 = 1+15 = 16 (Sixteen = 33)

Notice the similar birth and death numerology, with the connections to religion for both dates.

CNN has now updated their front page to give a '42' tribute to the man.

42 line Bibles...
42 generations to Jesus...

We know how else 42 fits in...


  1. Possibly some ritual sacrifice for the Atlanta Falcons break out season

  2. It was a Moon Kill. Brought To You By Dave Keefe.

    2017-1968= .. 49 ..

    Edward Long " in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Moon Kill Black" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    The Sum of 49's Divisors is 57. (Moon = 57)

    Long Dead @ 63.

    Sum of Divisors" in the English Reduction system equals 63

    King was 39. Long 63. (Jan. 15th or 1-15) (Killing= 115)

    Sixty Three Thirty Nine" in the English Reduction system equals 115

    King of Divide" in the English Ordinal system equals 115

    Martin Eddie" in the English Reduction system equals 57

    Long King" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    Moon Kill" in the English Reduction system equals 38

    Kill Black Man" in the English Reduction system equals 38

  3. I won't be suprised if Creflo Dollar kicks the bucket today either after running his numbers.

    1. Televangelist=151

    2. Two preachers=151

    3. In the game of chess, the bishops start on the 3rd and 6th slot. 151 is 36th prime.

  4. "False Prophet" using the S-Exception (S=10) sums to "70"
    The divisors of "70" equal "144"(1+2+5+7+10+14+35+70=144)
    Loretta Lynch is the 83rd Attorney General
    "Loretta Lynch" in the English Reduction system equals 54
    The Octal Value of "54" equals "66"
    "Eighty Third" in the English Reduction system equals 70
    "Attorney General" in the English Ordinal system equals 180
    "Bishop Eddie Long" in the English Reduction system equals 81
    The duodecimal value of "81" is "69"
    "Atlanta" in the English Ordinal system equals 69
    "Eddie Long" in English Ordinal equals 75-"Loretta Lynch" age 57

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