Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 9, 2017

4 million page views, 1,171 days later (October 24, 2013 to January 7, 2017)

When I first started the blog, October 24, 2013, I remember it would register between a handful and 12 blog views a day.  Now it gets that many troll posts per hour, sometimes more.  I used to always wonder who the people were that found this page, they must have been hardcore truthseekers, diving deep into the web.  Anyhow, thanks everyone who reads today!  You're appreciated.

AND REMEMBER, don't feed the trolls.  That's my New Year's resolution for 2017.


  1. That's fantastic!! It's because you do a great job and people who are really awake see that. I for one am here everyday for the real news. Thank you!

  2. Best replies to the trolls come from George! Every time he replies I lol, best replies ever. The 3 dick reply almost made me fall out of my chair. Haha!

    Anyway keep up the good work Zach!

  3. Yo guys seriously. Who the fuck is winning the super bowl lol. Make America great again boys vs pats? Gb gave jersey to trump. No way in hell the chiefs make it imo they're indigenous people the real owners of this land. Seahawks gonna lose falcons will get revenge I think. What are y'all opinions on this. Dallas shooting drill hoax is that representing the cowboys getting destroyed? The Florida shooting symbolized dolphins getting owned. Odell going to Miami was the hint for nyg to lose. What about the steelers? They kicked the chiefs ass in Pitt and they're only a +115. Pats no 87 packers no 87 Rodgers 33 years old could be the 11th 33 year old qb to be in sb I believe. What the fuck is going on honestly

  4. Ok Howard, number 88- has 33, 69 gem atria

  5. Awesome work today Zach!! As always you soared to new heights. I seriously think the trolls broke their fingers relentlessly commenting yesterday. fuck them!
    Thank you for all the knowledge in the blogs and vids, but mainly for the inspiration

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You gain ligitimacy when you let the trolls post and don't delete anyones comments. You have only deleted a few of mine. Try not to delete any more. tia.

  8. Harry Butts must have been up all night deleting his posts about Alabama 😂😂

  9. A pat on the back for this pre-season prediction, InsaneUnknown!

    InsaneUnknownJanuary 7, 2017 at 7:57 AM
    It's time to take you friends back to school... watch the news leading up to the game...

    Look at the number on the Aircraft, I see a 33 or 133. On a date with 44 numerology, green bay is on the 44 N parallel.

    4 F-18's, hmm usually would think an odd number for a flyover, but I'm thinking Brett Favre on the quantity, and Randall Cobb #18 having the big game.

  10. Congrats Zach, keep up the good fight. Just to let you know I found your YouTube channel by reading comments. Then I discovered this site by watching your videos. I find a lot of good info by reading comments.

  11. Excellent, revolutionary work Zach. Keep it up no matter what happens.

  12. Happy New Year fella, one day we'll beat them at their own game.

  13. I’m Victoria Schultz from New-York United States I never believed in Blank ATM card until i got one from Mr MACK ATM hackers. I lost my job few months back after my divorce with my Husband. I tried everything positive to make sure i take good care of my kids but all trial fails, and i was in debts which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me stay with her for some days while i figure out how to get a home which she agreed, but no one was willing to help anymore,One afternoon i was going through some articles on the INTERNET, where i came across a comment about a man who got a blank card worth $8,000 I doubted this easy magic and wonder where the money is coming from, i never took it serious thus so i ignored the comment, along the line i came across another comment of a lady on You-tube who got thew card as well from the same hackers, so i copied the email address: (CYBERHACKERS01@OUTLOOK.COM). I contacted them and few hours later i got a response and i was told that the blank ATM cards are for sale that i need to purchase one before it can be delivered to me, so i sold my computer and wire the money for the card and to my greatest surprise i received a call from the courier here in Alabama three days later that i have a parcel to pick up, i rushed down and picked up my parcel and without hesitation i went straight to the ATM machine and i made a withdrawal of $8,000 Usd at once and today i have purchased a new home and set up a new business. If you wish to seek for this blank card, kindly contact the email below: (CYBERHACKERS01@OUTLOOK.COM) I believe he can help you with the card and god bless you Mr Wilson for your goodness and please remember he just wanna help the poor citizen.


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