Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

44 107 911 555 | The crash of American Airlines Flight 587, November 12, 2001, 62-days after "9/11"

Wheels asked the following:

Let's investigate.

Whatever happened on November 12, 2001 to Flight 587, the facts scream "MILITARY".

Notice 587 is the 107th prime.

The date of the incident, was also a date with '44' numerology.

11/12/2001 = 11+12+20+01 = 44

The plane's departure was pushed back to 9:11.  Funny.

Notice the plane began to crash at the 555th minute of the day.  It reminds how the U.S. would go to war with Iraq 555-days after September 11, 2001.  Again, in Washington D.C., the monument is 555-feet tall, and the Pentagon has 5-sides, is 5-floors above ground, with a 5 acre court in the middle.

This incident also came 62-days after September 11, 2001.  Mason = 62

The day of the report, October 26, 2004, was the 300th day of the year (leap year), leaving 66-days remaining in the year.

10/26/2004 = 10+26+20+04 = 60 (Conspiracy = 51/60/123)
10/26/2004 = 10+26+(2+0+0+4) = 42 (Freemason)
10/26/2004 = 1+0+2+6+2+0+0+4 = 15
10/26/04 = 10+26+04 = 40



  2. Unrelated.. But...

    The 1978 SUPERMAN suit worn by christopher reeve is being auctioned for crazy $$$

    Possible 1978 steelers connect...

    They won suberbowl xiii

    "Xiii" = ( 51 )
    Fifteen days= ( 51 ) also 666

    Held on 1/21
    Thats fifteen days prior to 2/5

    "Fifty one" = 46
    1978 was steelers 46th ?

    Steelers have diamonds on there logo ( red yellow blue )

    Superman logo ( red yellow blue)
    Is shaped like a cut diamond

    ( the "s" is not a letter...
    According to the story...
    Its a kryptonian symbol that means ... Hope)...

    Hope diamond?

    Hope= 44

    (Sb date numerology) 44

    Theres more there im sure

  3. On 11 September, Bush said, "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists." That has a gematria of 235. 235 is quite interesting because Zach posted the Illuminati card game photo of 'Hit & Run' (, with the car's license plate 235-666. I think of 11 Sept as a hit and run too. But after being in the Army, I know the real truth behind 11 Sept. Anyone who believes that actual planes crashed anywhere that day is a complete fraud.

    1. 511= saturn

      (God of time)

      ...including May 11th...
      ( 235 ) days left in a year


  5. Columbus renamed this Caribbean island "HISpaniola" were Haiti and the Dominican Republic coexist. Haiti occupies one third and the Dominican Republic occupies two thirds.

    "Hispaniola " Using the S-Exception(S=10)sums to "60"
    The divisors of "60" sum to "168"
    The Hexadecimal of "60" is "3c" or "33"
    (CC for Christopher Columbus=33)
    "Thirty Three" in English Ordinal equals 156 (156th prime is "911")

    "Dominican Republic" in the English Ordinal system equals 168
    "Two Hundred And Sixty Killed" English Sumerian equals 1806(Or 168)
    "Two Thirds" in the English Sumerian system equals 816(Or 168)
    The Octal Numeral of "15" is "17" (Like 107)

    Flight Five Hundred And Eighty Seven" in English Reduction=165
    The Duodecimal Value if "165" is "119" (Or 911)
    "Plane Crash" in the English Reduction system equals 43
    The divisors of "43" sum to "44"


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