Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 26, 2017

33 44 47 48 50 58 84 | Doomsday Clock moves closest it has been to 'midnight' in 58-years because of Donald Trump

Today was the right day to update the 'clock'.  It is January 26, 2017.

1/26/17 = 1+26+17 = 44

The Doomsday Clock, since 1947, is a Masonic tradition.

Notice the 10:21 AM post time.  Revelation = 121

The Doomsday Clock has moved a tick closer to midnight because of Donald Trump.

Notice it is also the closest it has been to midnight in 58 years.

Again, Donald Trump just won the 58th Presidential Election.

It was also the 58th Presidential Inauguration on 1/20/2017.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

The word 'midnight' is also interesting in regards to 'Donald Trump'.

Let us not forget the Doomsday Clock was established in '47.  Let us not forget either, the Freemasons have Euclid's 47th problem, for how to establish 'foundation'.

47, the reflection of 74....

And with regards to '47', it also connects to 'time'... like a 'clock'.

And last, why do they update on Thursday?


  1. Doomsday killed Superman in the comics in 1993. "Metropolis " in the English Ordinal system equals 142

    1. Trump went from 22.1m followers to 22.4m overnight. 224 code related to terrorism. Possible false flag coming up?. Cheers

  2. OMG!!
    We are all gonna die!!!

    Of carbon dioxide and water vapor.
    If not that, then cause of death must be the overdose of CGI mushroom cloud photos.

    But but, the nuke codes are in the briefcase, and that big red button too... Trump will press it any moment now...

    I'm scared.

  3. @iivarii

    Yum mushroom clouds
    I'm. So worried now.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We had reaganomics,
      then boring, non-branded (non-termed) economics stuff
      (maybe abenomics was one decend)

      What is the next grand term?

      WALL-e-nomics ?
      filling the WALLet baby!
      Get ready to wallpaper your house with cash.

      Inflation is now

      Build that wall out of worthless dollar (or Peso?) notes.

  6. Better start using those slave e wallets
    because WALL.E the robot
    is about to build
    the Great Trumpenian Wall
    out of cash waste bales.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks!
    sorry, i don't get it right away..
    What link are you talking about -the chain or some url link?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Trump's wall estimated to cost 25 billion.
    Biggest project since Hoover dam 1936.

    55 much?

  15. Ha... iivarrii

    These minions are Slow, notice these idiots FOLLOW topics!
    We find Fresh and new perspectives of the constructed media.

    1. I sent you a message.
      My email starts with ija....

    2. We need to figure out the real mathematics;
      the rest of it, the hidden good stuff.

      The boring part we are familiar with
      is just for counting beans.


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