Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

50 138 | Brexit stalled by Britain's Supreme Court, January 24, 2017 +Donald Trump & Brexit

Brexit was part of the NWO (Freemasonic) agenda, directly connected to what is now going on in the United States of America with the election of Donald Trump.

Theresa May.  Margaret Thatcher.  What do those names have in common?

Hillary Clinton is part of this riddle, the Democratic opponent to Trump.

Recall, the Brexit vote was June 23, 2016, which caused David Cameron to resign, and Theresa May to become the P.M. of the U.K.  Further, recall that Donald Trump was in the U.K. for the vote.  That vote was exactly 138-days before the U.S. election, November 8, 2016, which Trump "won".

Notice it is Article 50 that is the focus of discussion today.

They voted 8-3?


  1. Just in time for the Br(ady)exit. Don't forget, the flag is upside now.

    1. Brexit = Brady exit

      Nice! Had not realized that.

    2. Mrs. Brady, aka Florence Henderson, just brexited the stage on November 24 2016, 61 days ago.
      The Braid-y Bunch

    3. Exactly Pru. The Brady Bunch is over.

    4. Yes, I think so too.
      After he wins SB51, he retires.

    5. I think he loses, personally, and not sure about retiring that soon, but the NE run is over. He may even have the worst game of his career.

      The outcome is not really the important thing. Atl is set to become a force with the former NE GM and now a former Seahawk coach. Atlanta has always been a town for transplants and transits.

    6. Perhaps a transition of power from the NW to the SE. Seahawks might be ready for the decline. Falcons used to be NFC West, Seahawks used to be AFC West.

    7. Theresa May is aka Princess Diana. No joke. Let these scoundrels know you are onto them. Right Zach? It's good to know who these people really are.

  2. stop reportin cnn bs n report fox news da real news


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