Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 20, 2017

58 | Ivanka on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017 +The daughter Donald wants to fuck

Ivanka has been a focal point of Donald Trump's run for President.  It is only today I think about the relevance of her name.

Again, Donald Trump has just won the 58th Presidential Election, and for today, he has subbed in the 58-year-old Steve Ray for the Inauguration Ceremony, which falls on a date with '58' numerology.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

Freemasonry = 58
Secret Society = 58
United States = 58

From Ivanka's birthday until today, is 83-days.

83, the 23rd prime number.... Donald = 23


  1. I think there may be some real photos available to use. That one is clearly a fake. Her head and body are out of proportion with his, and her shirt and his sleeve blend together in a way that only photo-shop could explain.

  2. "Fifty Eight" in English Ordinal system equals 115(115th Congress)
    The divisors of "115" sums to "144"

  3. only a scum bag would put a photo shop pic up and pretend its real

  4. Only dummies think truth is on JEWTUBE
    Using JEWmatria

  5. "ivanka kushner" in the English Reduction system equals 55


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