Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 2, 2017

39 59 66 74 174 | New Charleston Church leader, Rev. Eric S.C. Manning (Reporting by the numbers)

It has been 80-weeks and 5-days since the June 17, 2015 "shooting".

179, the 41st prime; 41, the 13th prime

The date is no coincidence.

12/11/2016 = 12+11+20+16 = 59

Negro = 59; Slave = 59; Blues = 59; Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)
12/11/16 = 12+11+16 = 39 (Old Testament)

12/11/16 = 12+11+16 = 39

I imagine the S.C. stands for South Carolina?

The clip is 74-seconds truthseeker!

Dylann Storm Roof = 74
White Supremacist = 74
Bible Study Class = 47/74
Morris Brown = 65/74 (Church founder)
Clementa C. Pinckney = 74
Dylann Roof arrested on I-74
Calhoun = 74 (Name of street Church is on)

Jesus = 74; Cross = 74; Gospel = 74; Messiah = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Occult = 74

The name of the new Reverend ties right in as well, with a very present '74'.

His name without the 'Rev' also connects to 'Number of the Beast'.

South Carolina = 57/66/156

That number is 666.


  1. they love pairing 74 and 174.
    "one hundred seventy four" in the English Ordinal system equals 278
    "seventy four times nine" in the English Ordinal system equals 278
    "rev" in the English Ordinal system equals 45

  2. R. E. V.
    18 5 22 (zipcode) Scranton PA

    Scranton PA = 49/121
    ( REVelation = 49/121 )
    City incorporated date 23/4
    REVersed that's ...432 +234 =666

    P. A.
    ( 16 2) One six two = 144


  3. His initials "S.C." is so in your face with the mockery.

    "Eric The South Carolina Man" using the S-exception equals 117
    The duodecimal value of "117" equals 99 (or 66)
    The A.M.E. church is also called "Mother Emanuel"/eMANuel.

    "Mother Emanuel" in the English Sumerian system equals 900 (or 9)
    Allegedly "9" were killed

  4. (S)atan

    Their hers are slow ! uSC over Penn st.

    Scarlet and Gold

    Sun sacrifice.

    Noticed (S)teve sarkisian is the new o(C)
    For bama for nick (S)aban in the national (C)hampionship game.

    Zack donate at least half to a children's charity.
    Keep the rest to clean up that yard aka your bedroom.


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