Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, January 21, 2017

84 666 | Doublespeak, the the word to know for the Donald Trump Presidency

'Doublespeak' comes from the novel 1984, published June 8, 1949, written by George Orwell.

Donald Trump is a 'Jesuit'.  Jesuit = 10+5+19+21+9+20 = 84

Read Donald Trump's police of 'America First', a policy that begins with fighting ISIS and building the military further.  How will that help the average American?  It won't.  It will hurt.


  1. Your predictions are doublespeak !!

  2. I'd like to recommend something, if I may.
    If you have not read the book (1984) recently,
    read it again.

    1. Language wars and mind wars are tied together inseparably.

  3. Yes -- DOUBLESPEAK is indeed "The Word".

    Bush Jr (#43) was a MASTER at the Art of Doublespeak -- it was perhaps his greatest skill (beside painting portraits of dogs -- which he reportedly is quite talented at!).

    Trump adds a layer of bluster that almost gives away that he's full of shit.
    (Bush however, was so smooth in his delivery that people often thought THEY'D suddenly "Gone Stupid". He could speak for an hour -- & leave listeners wondering what the hell he'd just said ... because he really HADN'T said ANYTHING.
    Mostly he wove one-liners & catch phrases together -- ready-made "cut-outs" for the media to use as headlines, photo captions & crawl lines).

    A good recent DS example was the supposed FL airport shooter -- the "veteran" who'd "TOURED IN IRAQ".

    They insisted it "messed him up in the head" --

    But consistently omitted the "DUTY" from "TOUR OF DUTY" -- as though he might've been bicycling across the countryside.

    THAT'S the kind of DS that DELIBERATELY screws with people's perceptions. ;D

  4. "forked tongue" in the English Ordinal system equals 141
    "fork you" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

  5. Most of the alternate media will talk about the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers, but they never mention the Vatican and the Black Nobility, the wealthiest families in the world. Black Nobility = 666 J.


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