Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 9, 2017

CNN gives President Obama "final grades" for his 8-years in service (A+ for symbolism?)

This is funnier than most Hollywood comedies I have seen.

Empire = 66; Freedom = 66


  1. I wish there was a fill in the blank spot under the headline so I can write about how much of a sell-out puppet asshat fraud Obama was/is.

  2. For #3, that time when he had the fake crocodile tears after Sandy Hook? Unbelievable.

  3. war is a result of the products and goods you purchase. Everyone here contributes to war.

  4. Yeah haha. He did it a few times. Each time was cringeworthy.

  5. Bama wins 14 misses 1.
    35 to 31 = 66.

  6. Harry Butts it's time to pack in your $10 an hour trolling position 😂😂

  7. OBama, you have failed in your quest to destroy America. Goodbye bitch.

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