Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Definitive proof the earth is not flat, using Polaris

It is important to be above the flat earth psy-op.  Here is wisdom.


  1. Pulling from a blog that only has one post ever and it's on the 33rd day of the year, Zach just drop the subject. I don't believe in flat earth nor do I care about the topic, but you can't disprove it to them even with science, until the world isn't run by tyrants no one can confirm there's no ice wall because of the Antarctic treaty. You can tell you're pissing off people with this and you keep doing it, don't say youtube is thumbing down your video, people who watch your videos obviously believe in flat earth so let them. Also saying people dismiss flat earth truthers is just illogical, 99% of people dismiss anything that isn't force-fed to them through the TV, whether it's flat earth, rigged sports, or fake news.

    1. I respectfully disagree that on the last point: I can get a lot of people thinking about 9/11 or other fake terrorist attacks, rigged elections, even rigged sports. But I bring up something like Flat Earth, it's game over, they switch off completely. So yes, it discredits other truth, especially since the Flat Earth is completely debunkable.

      But I agree that it's not really worth bothering with Flat Earthers, they are too far gone and will listen to no one.

    2. I agree.Flat Earthers remind me of my toddler with his milk.

  2. "Astronomers have determined"

    Translation: Hack mason Astronomers have determined to make sure their model is convincing enough to dupe the sheep.

    What lodge in Seattle did you ascend the ranks in Zach? It's clear you're here for division and confusion. Lure in people with truth (gematria), divide those who question things because you're a paid agent.

    1. Respectfully, I think your believe in this model has clouded your judgement. Even if we disagree on the shape of the Earth can we get along?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Santos Bonacci's take on flat earth-

  5. Rudolf Steiner says the earth is a tetrahedron, a sort of pyramid. Could explain why most of the land mass is in the north and south America and Africa have north south distribution. Check out the Chestahedron.

  6. Flat Earth is one of the most effective psy-ops ever. These people beLIEve in their nonsense model more dogmatically than most people believe in the spinning ball. You can't take it away from them no matter how hard you try or how many ways you debunk it.

    All they now (and last 12 months or so) is just sit around in google hangouts and talk about bullshit for hours on end. No experiments, no evidence, no addressing the obvious problems with model.
    Most of them are people who have nothing else going for them in life so they cling to the Flat Earth cult because it's the one place they really feel a part of something, and that they're making a difference.

    Also Flat Earthers hate truth seekers who are not Flat Earthers even more than they hate the moronic masses. To them it's either you're on board with Flat Earth or you are a CONFIRMED SHILL.

    To people on the outside looking in their whole scene is a complete joke.

    1. Most effective psyop, yet the vast majority of the population still "beLIEve" the blue marble. Yep, makes sense. Do you idiots actually think before type, or record videos? Gotta be getting paid handsomely to muddy the waters.

    2. That was hyperbole, but you understand my meaning.

      And I said most effective, not widest spread. As in: how insidious it is to the minds of the people it assails.

      I wish I was paid handsomely but all I'm doing is stating my experience as someone who was a Flat Earther for a while and has since had to re-evaluate based on evidence. I have tried repeatedly to engage with Flat Earthers and discuss the problems with the model but no one will take on the points, they just ban you from their forum, call you a shill, etc.

  7. If this debate were a Soda, it would definitely be Flat by now. Left out too long.

  8. Zach, your a Parrot, you just say what you hear, Zack wanna cracker??

  9. 21 percent of earth is at sea level sea level is impossible on a ball that spins no pilot has ever adjusted to a curve when flying a jet dude wake up you really are dumb

  10. I'm glad for the flat Earth debate because it made me think about/reconsider the info I was told.

    I find the ICE WALL idea interesting because of Saturn's rings, which we are told are made of ICE. We all know Saturn is important, even tho we rnt exactly sure why, because those numbers and symbols keep popping up over and over so it wants us to know.

    For Earth's shape, I m picture a Sombrero, you know those Mexican hats? A rounded/egg shape in the middle surrounded by an upturned (ice wall) brim. Like having a moat around your castle. The horizon would be so white and hazy/foggy/snowy that far into the cold you wouldn't be able to see past it.

  11. Picturing that im tinking that If a plane flew into it, the rotating winds would just push them back and swing them around like a revolving door back to where they started.

    It could like one of those multilayered fountains, one stacked on top of the other. Perhaps we share the water from the top and it recycles.

    Think of all that talk about Trickle down economics, pee pee jokes,

  12. I'm thinking the earth is flatly round. Third planet from the sun= 104. Jerusalem=104. Earth is flat=119 Milky way=119. Earth is round=62. Mason= 62. Big bang theory= 75, New world order=75. Gravity=102, Fuck you=102

  13. Maybe something is eclipsing our view of what's out there. Its always been strange to me that u cant look directly at the sun and it can be so very strong during the day that u need to wear sunglasses. Why should that be if our species evolved on this supposed planet? Of course, nothing about this place makes sense.
    The description I read of a DYSON SHELL sounds plausible

  14. Eratosthenes of Cyrene proved the size of the Earth around 240 BC with sticks and string.


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