Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 5, 2017, U.S. Intelligence vs Donald Trump, 'Line in the sand' (Russian hacking, the narrative to take out Trump?)

Line in the sand = 62; Mason = 62; Torah = 62

'Disparagement' = 60/69/132

This could be the narrative that removes Trump from office, if he is to be removed on May 18, or in close proximity to.

Below are the front pages of Fox News, MSNBC and CNN at the moment:


  1. Taking trump out puts Pence in command and Paul in VP role, as soon as Jan 20, rolls around.

    But the January Eleventh speech is sure to be a hoot on 1-11-17, That's 4 aces where I come from.

    1. Wrong. Ryan would not be the VP. Someone would have to be nominated. Where did you get such bad info?

    2. He's (Paul Ryan's) 3rd in line for succession of the presidency, he may need a nomination, but I'm not debating semantics, kid. Hillary ain't getting in. My original source is the U.S. Constitution ever heard of it? Secondary source, 1947 presidential Succession Act.

    3. OMG Hillary is done. Her life is over.

    4. InsaneUnknown - you are a moron. The Speaker of the House is third in-line for the presidency, but that doesn't mean he becomes VP if the president is gone! It's only if something happens to the President and VP at the same time. After Nixon resigned, Ford became President, and then who became the new VP? It was Nelson Rockefeller, and he sure as hell wasn't the Speaker of the House. Get a clue, and stop spreading BS.

    5. I'm still not wrong, and you love Hillary.

    6. HILLARY??? WTF are you talking about? Can't stand that bitch. And yeah, you are dead wrong. You said your source was the Constitution. Show me where it says the Speaker becomes the VP if something happens to the president. Please then explain how Nelson Rockefeller became Ford's VP.


  3. How about Trump takes over the white house and listens to the real intelligence that actually aren't agents for Obama and Soros. In may of 2017 Trump will be the one removing people not the other way around. Get it? The real state department agencies understand that Assange had several sources none of which were Russian. Why the fuck would Russia mess with our elections. We messed with our elections. Assange exposed the truth in the interest of global security and humanity.


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