Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 22, 2017

NFC Championship Preview | Green Bay Packers @ Atlanta Falcons, January 22, 2017

1/22/2017 = 1+22+20+17 = 60
1/22/2017 = 1+22+(2+0+1+7) = 33 (G = 33) (Rodgers is 33) (Steelers established in '33)
1/22/2017 = 1+2+2+2+0+1+7 = 15 (Atlanta = 15)
1/22/17 = 1+22+17 = 40 (Atlanta Falcons = 40) (Forty = 84) (Steelers in 84th season)
1/22 = 1+22 = 23

There is yet another connection back to '84'.  Georgia, the home state of the Falcons, is hosting the team from the only other state, with a '44' gematria.  Those states are Georgia and Wisconsin.

Notice the divisors of 44 sum to 84.

'33' is the number!
Rodgers is 33-years old, Matt Ryan is 31... *Houston = 31/40/112; Matt Ryan = 31/112

Aaron Rodgers has the name for the 2016 season.

When you sum 1 through 63, it totals 2016.  Aaron Rodgers will be the last visiting QB in the Georgia Dome.  Brett Favre got to play there as a Falcon, as the 33rd overall pick in the 1991 draft, before being traded to play for the Big G in Wisconsin.  G = 33/42

From Rodger's 33rd birthday to the game is 51-days, or a span of 52-days.  From the NFC Championship to his upcoming 34th birthday is 314-days, or a span of 315.  (Pi = 3.14)

Super Bowl 51 in Houston; Houston Texans = 51; Conspiracy = 51

From his birthday to the Super Bowl is a span of 66-days...

With regards to the distance of 66-days until the Super Bowl, that is the season of the Packers first Super Bowl win over the Chiefs, the '66 season, where the Super Bowl was played January 15, 1967, the 50-year anniversary this past Sunday.

Rodgers 34th birthday, is 43-weeks after Super Bowl 51.  Champion = 43

Notice how '34' connects to 'Atlanta Falcons'.

Tribute to Super Bowl ONE.

Let's also examine Matt Ryan's stats.

From Matt Ryan's 31st birthday to the game is 250-days, or a span of 251.

*251, the 54th prime number

To his upcoming birthday is 115-days, or a span of 116.  May 17 is the 137th day of the year; 137, the 33rd prime

The game will be on the 33rd parallel, in Atlanta, GA.

ATL = 1+20+12 = 33
G = 33 (Francis Bacon Gematria)
Brett Favre was the 33rd overall pick by the Atlanta Falcons, in 1991, before being traded to the Green Bay Packers:

All-time, the Packers lead the Falcons in head-to-head games, 17-14.  In the playoffs, the Packers are 2-1 against the Falcons.  A win by the Packers, would make them 3-1, a loss, 2-2.

Will Aaron Rodgers help the Packers become 3-1 against the 31-year old 'Matt Ryan' on the way to 'Houston'?  Matt Ryan = 31 (31-years old); Houston = 31

If the Packers win the NFC Championship, and play in the Super Bowl, the Super Bowl will be their 57th playoff game.

Fifty-Seven = 131; Championship = 131; Super Bowl = 131

The Falcons don't have the fancy playoff alignment, but we'll see what happens.

Aaron Rodgers is at 99 all-time wins.
Thirteen = 99
Green Bay = 41; Rodgers = 41; 41, the 13th prime

Rodgers is at 51-losses (Super Bowl 51-season)

If Rodgers won the Super Bowl, he would have 101 wins, the 26th prime, the number the shape of the football is based on.

If Rodgers made it to the Super Bowl, he would have 17 career playoff games, closing out the 2016-17 season.

Matt Ryan is going for win #88 against Aaron Rodgers.

Don't be surprised if 'Mason' gives him loss #62.  Mason = 62

This will be Ryan's 7th post season game.  His record is 2-4.  A loss would make him 2-5, like the date of the Super Bowl.  That said, a win would make him 3-4, which connects to Atlanta Falcons.  Again, 3-4 is a lot like 34, and Atlanta Falcons = 139, the 34th prime.

Next up, the coaches.

This is Mike McCarthy's 11th season as the head coach of the Packers.

Notice Mike McCarthy was born in 63'.  Aaron Rodgers = 63

From McCarthy's 63rd birthday to the game is 73-days, or a span of 74.  From the game to his upcoming 64th birthday is 292-days, or a span of 293.

Remember, the first Sunday of the NFL season was played on Quinn's birthday, September 11, 2016.  He is 46-years old.  Houston, Texas = 46

From his 46th birthday to the game is 133-days, or a span of 134.  To his upcoming 47th birthday, will be 232-days, or a span of 233.  (233, the 13th Fibonacci Number)  From his birthday to the Super Bowl in Houston, Texas is 147-days, or a span of 148.  Master Builder = 147

Home Depot = 47; Falcons owned my Home Depot owner, playing in their new home next year

If McCarthy wins the Super Bowl, he'll be 12-7, a lot like '127', the 31st prime.
*Packers won Super Bowl 31; Houston = 31

Quinn has coached 33 games, for the team on the 33rd parallel.  ATL = 1+20+12 = 33

His next game will be #34.  One = 15+14+5 = 34

Not yet eager beaver.



  2. Replies
    1. New England Atlanta=168, 1008

      Superbowl Fifty One=2023

      NFL championship Atlanta vs New England =2232


      FOR ALL OF THE ATLANTA CROWD. I DO HOMEWORK FOR EVERYONE. Remember how I said the juicy stories you can break down come out on Tuesday and Friday. To an Atlanta fan, the headlines say it. To me it's quite deceptive. Your welcome for the ammo FRESHMAN. Now stop talking about vegas. Coming from Foxborough, the Patriots DO NOT want to play GB.

    3. Also that Atlanta's playoff record is 8-12

      Or .666

      'Fox' is 666

      But it's also that beautiful 45 on the Green Bay side.

    4. Ok, fine I do care, after thinking about the Goodell story, Roger Goodell forgoes Foxborogh Picks Atlanta for NFC championship.

      1. More important than the NFC game, Goodell does not want to hand the AFC trophy to Brady at all costs.
      2. Goodell does not want more publicity for Deflategate, or the pictures that will be used on Facebook for memes like...
      'LIAR'S', AND CHEATERS, AND BEARS, OH MY! (With a photo shopped picture of Dita in Packers garb, next to Goodell and Brady)
      AFC, Another Fucking Championship
      No, I'm not giving anymore of them out to facebook
      3. The Super Bowl winner is in the NFC, no matter if I'm right about GB or not. It's the easiest way to get the hand full of coaches and players on the same page for the bowl, without having to travel anywhere again to arouse suspicion with his travels.

    5. All excellent points.

      I am wondering about the 6/1/16 announcement written by Co-Founder of the Home Depot Bernie Marcus telling Republicans to get behind Trump. That was 8 months 4 days before the Superbowl.

      The Home Depot=804

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. #12 caught the bug going around.
      ‘bug’ = 12
      Solomon had 12 princes whom served the King. The two pillars at the entrance of Solomon’s temple are also connected further below.
      Remember what I said about Tuesday and Friday news stories? This one from Friday.
      Talks about Atlanta’s new stadium that looks like a ‘Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme’ = 112, lol. Another Falcons switch for Cosby to be sure of the links. It doesn’t mean anything this year in my opinion. I can spread the wealth of knowledge.
      Super Bowl 51 ’ date numerology is 44 (2+5+20+17 = 44), connecting these static functions of the Green Bay Packers
      Do you see that time stamp? 4:40, 44 for my zero dropping friends. I always say that because, zeros are important. Look at Coke Zero, Obama, Ohio, and zeros are use for placement, like in football… who holds the ball for Mason Crosby the placeholder, laces out!
      Finkle and Einhorn, Einhorn and Finkle, who could forget that gender bending movie?
      The fateful 44’s?
      Though most close the book on 44 as the kill number, Freemasonry gives us clarity on this INDICATOR of celestial and earthly importance. I saw C Rican talk about 44 constellations above and 44 constellations below in a post this morning.
      I’m not going to lecture on the masons, rather make a simple point.
      Hope = 44
      Faith = 44
      More importantly there are two pillars which guard the entrance of all Freemason lodge ceremony rooms, built to emulate Solomon’s Temple. Jachin (45) the Celestial Pillar, and Boaz (44) the Earthly Pillar.
      ‘Boaz’ = 44
      ‘Wisconsin’ = 44
      Green Bay rests on 44th Parallel
      Bart Starr’s birth numerology of 44 (1-9-1934, 1+9+34 = 44)
      ‘Curly Lambeau’ = 44
      Reggie White death Numerology of 44 (12-26-2004, 12+26+2+0+0+4 = 44)
      ‘PED’s’ = 44 as in Matthews’ and Peppers’ pre-season story line with ‘al-Jazeera America’ story
      ‘Jachin’ the Celestial pillar = 45, and we all know about 45.
      The 45’s
      Green Bay just gifted a #45 jersey to Donald Trump, the 45th President on his ‘Thank You Tour’
      Green Bay also won Super Bowl 45, that president-elect media event could be a foreshadowing of the next team to be in ‘LI’. Notice no one in Wisconsin (44) protested giving Trump and Pence jerseys.
      The #45 jersey was made in Wisconsin by Berlin Athletic, whom makes the Nike Custom uniforms for the NFL teams. Berlin Athletic, Berlin Wall, Trump, Southern Wall
      ‘NRG Stadium’ = 45 …the site of this season’s Super Bowl where GB and NE will “play”
      The game is on ‘FOX’ = 45/666
      Ty Montgomery #88 (Trump = 88) has birth numerology of 45, 12+24+2+0+1+6 = 45
      (Quick side note, ‘Montgomery’ = 55, just like the important number from last the Super Bowl winners.)
      Brett Favre’s birth numerology (10+10+1+9+6+9 = 45)
      Brett Favre, newly inducted Hall of Famer connects his playing time with the Vikings and Green Bay. When the Packers won in Super Bowl 45, they needed Brett Favre to lead a win for the Vikes against the Bears, to allow the Packers to rise into the Wild Card spot that they did, the rest is history.

    2. InsaneUnknown is thinking he will feel like Trump tomorrow. We will see. No matter the outcome, the rigged games will be more exciting than ever. So sit back and watch the show Dorothy and Toto. If you don't get the Wizard of Oz reference, watch it.

  4. Packers win. It has been set up beautifully for the 33 year old Rodgers ,wearing the G(33) on his helmet, to win in ATL(33), on the 33rd parallel, on a date numerology of 33. Couldn't be more obvious.

    1. Atlanta is destined to be shit upon, but I dunno. You make a good point though.

    2. I can see Green Bay or ATL in the SB, it just looks to be set up for Rodgers ever since he said they were gonna run the table

    3. If i run a table ima fall off it, The Last Supper, time of aarons trouble, ask NE's A. Hernandez about prophesy, sitting in prison.

  5. Zach have you seen that the Orlando police department took in Markeith Loyd? the video that goes along with it had me laughing my ass off, one for the time stamp, but just how he looks:

  6. Hey Zach I came across a commercial Matt Ryan was in 5 years ago it's on YouTube
    "This is sports center - Matt Ryan " you might want to check it out might be pointing to this years Super Bowl

  7. McCarthy Birthday to Rodgers Birthday is 22 days, Packers could get their 22nd playoff loss. 1/1/16 to 11/10/16 McCarthy Birthday is 314 days, syncs with Gameday to Rodgers upcoming birthday.

    Full decode here, I'll do more breakdown notes tomorrow.

  8. It's on, this will be my placemarker, so when people log in they can see my agenda, and don't have to reload.

    1. Game Day is 1-22, just like Rogder's birthday of 12-2.


      Story from Entertainment Tonight, ET.
      'ET' = 25 eo
      'ET' = 205 eg, for you zero droppers.
      Bowl on 2-5

      Now I see 444 above 'Masonic' = 444, and looking at the nfl logo, what do we see read in from right to left or left to right you English majors.

      4 stars, 4 laces on the football, and 4 stars. I've been looking at the logo all week thinking 44 was in there with the stars representing the divisions of the conferences, but it's definitely 444.

    3., not a local ATL or GB story!

      O-line to Block for infinity?

      'Infinity' = 106
      'Infinity' = 52

      Some say the 8's represent infinity and soo much more,
      Green Bay straddles the 88th meridian.
      44 N X 88 W

      If anyone is into planned prophecy...

    4. Packers might have had a 10-6 record, even if they aren't using 106 as prophecy. They match up like beer in a pint glass.

    5. One more thought. THIS GAME IS FOR THE NFL MVP. How could either make a case for it, without this planned setup?

      The winner takes all, maybe not the Lombardi trophy, but you get my point.

      'Rodgers MVP' = 137, the 33rd Prime
      Won in Atlanta on the 33rd Parallel

    6. In 1982, kicker Mark Moseley won the NFL MVP, from Wash.Skinz. Someone asked before, Bob or someone.

    7. He made 20-21. 221 or 122 for the missed zero!

  9. ANTONIO brown gonna catch he'll for being a diva...he gives the espn talkn heads a week to talk this one up, but the pats gonna run over steelers and diva brown taking the fall... hey the pats needed the extra 'motivation' after leaking th as the FB shit lmao

  10. Here's the connection that should seal the deal for Rodgers and the Packers. This is rare...

    SB51 is 12,119 days after Rodgers's date of birth. 12x119 = 1428...+8241 = 9669

    1. Wow! The saturn code is for real. Great connection. Pats vs Packers confirmed! InsaneUnknown gets the credit for this pick as he has been calling it since early September.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Saturn References
      Remember I’ve been touting a super bowl 31 rematch. GB vs. NE
      ‘John Goodman’ = 696 …XXXI halftime entertainment Blues Bros.
      ‘Reggie White’ = 696 … Passed on 12 years ago.
      ‘Superdome’ = 696 …where XXXI was played
      Reggie White’s birth date of 12/19 is exactly 7 weeks from the date of the Super Bowl including the end date. He also died 7 days after his birthday 12/26.

      7 comes from adding the super bowl date of 2-5

    4. 'Discount Double Check' = 77

      But I already wrote about that on here.

  11. Vegas lost so much money in these playoffs so far. They will not let it happen any longer. Everyone is betting on Green Bay.

    Be smart and take the Falcons.

    Matt Ryan from the Jesuit College, from PA. Arthur Blank the Jew. The Falcons will end their drought of championships like so many other teams this year.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. When you're talking about Vegas, youre talking about a worldwide cartel that is being controlled by the same mob that is controlling the NWO agenda. The simple fact is that they NEVER lose, they cannot lose because THEY rig the odds and everything else. You can gamble on hundreds of things, not just football. They are making money like you wouldnt believe. We are the losers, they are the winners, never forget that. Its all about ritual for these sick bastards.

    3. I dont know where people get this illusion from where they think Vegas is losing.

    4. And since Ryan played college in Boston and was born in PA, Im not sure who will win the AFC game. He has a connection to both of them.

      I am leaning towards Falcons vs Steelers since that would fuck over the bettors the most.

    5. Saying they lost is lol, because you believe an article written by Vegas? Hahaha

    6. LOL the paid Vegas shills on here trying to keep the money coming on the Packers.

    7. People actually believe Vegas loses money lmaoo

    8. He picked the name Ricky Bobby, do I need to say anything more?

    9. The money on my online betting site is heavy on atlanta. Packers are plus 6! Now. Trust me the money isnt on the packers

  12. "Atlanta Falcons win Superbowl li" in the English Reduction system equals 112
    "Falcons win Superbowl li" in the English Reduction system equals 97
    "Falcons win Superbowl fifty one" in the English Reduction system equals 131
    "rise up" in the English Ordinal system equals 88
    "Superbowl LI" in the English Sumerian system equals 912
    "Superbowl LI" in the English Gematria system equals 1196 (11+96=107 Are 10-7 after beating seahawks now)
    "Superbowl LI" in the English Ordinal system equals 152
    "Superbowl LI" in the English Reduction system equals 53
    Falcons will be 9-12 with a win next week.They will go 10-12 in the superbowl if they win.
    Matt Ryan= 112
    Matt Ryan born 5/17/85.. the 137th day of the year. 33rd prime.
    Houston 112
    (pay attention to houston and Atlanta score tonight)
    Last time Atlanta was in the Superbowl they lost to broncos.. last years winner.
    Broncos finished 9-7 this year.
    Atlanta had 211 total yards in the first half.. They scored a touchdown with 9:12 on the clock
    Matt Ryan had 338 yards passing today.
    Three hundred thirty eight =135
    Ref for Patriots is wearing 135... interesting
    I made this post in a group during the Patriots game!

    1. 88 also equals poison so it might not be a good thing.

    2. Packers have 33 wins according to ESPN, not like pro football reference has they post the packers had 31 wins before they beat the giants leaving them at 33. The big G will not win I believe. Aaron at 33, losing to falcons to go 9-12 makes perfect sense to me

    3. I have this Superbowl being tied to a possible assassination so it makes sense!

    4. Also for the 10-7 I mentioned.. Aaron Rodgers will be 10-7 in the playoffs if he loses against the Falcons.

    5. Packers have 34 playoff wins, most sites don't have the packers 2 wins this year included, if they win #35 against Atlanta they likely get to play Tom Brady=35

    6. I was on facebook and ESPN posted packers having 31 wins lol. I have the screenshot actually.

    7. Mind you this was two weeks ago they posted that. So with those 2 wins that makes it 33.

    8. I'm just going off pro football reference, wikipedia and the packers own site don't even have their 2 playoff wins this year added yet.

    9. Trump/Falcon connections are real. Rise Up=88 in 17. It has been 153 years since Sherman burned Atlanta.

      One Hundred Fifty Three Years=1788, 1731

      Remember when Obama said. I did it My Way?

      My Way=1731

      I also felt like MLK day was a bigger deal this year and Atlanta is, of course, MLK Land. If Atlanta plays NE and beats them they will be 7-7 against each other All Time.

      Trump's 7-11 speech blunder is a coded 77.

      Also Patriots=White Eagle
      Falcon=Black Eagle of Germany(Ww1+2), Also Egyptian God

    10. Dan Quinn's birthday to the Super Bowl is 148 days

      Patriots Day=148
      The Art of the Deal=148
      Donald J Trump=148
      Matthew Ryan=148

    11. You mean fake assassination hoax right? Like Kennedy and Lincoln.

    12. 338 seals the deal for me #iamthetimeline

  13. I will do my work on Pittsburg I see a lot lining up for them facing the falcons, I just like the idea of Trumps figure (brady) losing to be a tribute to trumps future fall.

    1. Of thats true then know/no 1 will be superior to Time (big ben) papa john= papa time
      Via prophesy scriptTUREs

  14. Pit & gb both on 8 game winning streaks (88)
    Next week in hou (99) jj watt played for winsconsin pit kc score 18-16 again 8+8=16 9+9 =18 (88&89) key numbers both teams signed tightends they both wear #89 88 was the first # on browns live video lastly on madden 17 pit is 89 gb is 88

    1. poison = 88 so I would be careful with that connection, could mean death.

    2. 99 = Thirteen. 13 is connected to 33. Zach knows how.

    3. All multiples of 11 are beautiful to our masonic friends. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66(Ray Nitschke), 77...(Discount Double Check) Oh, wait, didn't Aaron Rodgers pull out the discount double check for the first time in almost 5 years against the Falcons? In the 32-33 GB loss on trick or treat?

      Yes, he did, you are not crazy just because you have a master builder birth date.

    4. Not that it matters, but Green Bay falls on 44N X 88W

      I love how much of my material is now being recycled. I'm sure many didn't see all that I've written, and found the numbers and connections themselves, not realizing it's been embedded in the blog comments months ago for safe keeping. Zach helped us hone those 'skills', and surely will continue taking credit for his Green Bay Super Bowl LI pick since 2015...but I digress.

    5. Crazy 88 constellation with 44 stars above 44 below the celestial sphere.

  15. The Packers going to Atlanta next. Or as they like to say. ATL=33. Matty Ice=33. Atlanta on the 33rd parallel. Matt had his 33rd final drive (last possession) game for win this year. It was against Green Bay. Final score was 33-32. The NFC championship game is played on Jan. 22 or (1/22). Rodgers birthday (12/2). Aaron Rodgers just turned 33. Janet Jackson=33.(ties in later). Alabama=13. Ryan was 1st round 3rd pick. Julio Jones=130. Falcon’s receiver Julio wears #11. Ryan #2. Matt Ryan=112. Houston=112. Alabama=31. Matt Ryan=31. Matty Ryan is 31 years old. Green Bay beat Dallas tonight who scored 31 points. (Eli Manning’s birthday Jan.3 or 3/1).

    The last time the Packers played the Patriots was on 11/30/14. The combined score was 47. SB51 is the 47th modern-era championship. From that date to the end date of Super Bowl LI. 2 years, 2 months, 7 days. HA! Pi coded(22/7).

    Super Bowl Pi=156.
    Houston, tx=156.
    Thirty Three=156.
    Justin Randall Timberlake=1506

    Check this out some 3.14 Pi. Green Bay Packers New England Patriots Super Bowl Li=3114. Patriots Packers Super Bowl Li Houston Texas=3144. Brady and Rodgers both wear #12. (12+12=24). The 24th Prime number is 89. Got to tie in with. Lady gaga halftime show=89. Brady Rodgers Gaga=89 (+9 math in Reduced). Justin Randall Timberlake=89.

    Lady Gaga halftime show=197

    Super Bowl Thirty Eight wardrobe malfunction=197.

    Super Bowl 38 was the one when Janet’s boob was seen due to Justin Timberlake. Patriots won that Super Bowl. It was in Houston at NGR stadium too. The 13th prime is 41. (Adam Vinatieri was in 4 Super Bowls with New England and 1 with Indy). The Patriots won with a 41 yard field goal with 4 seconds left. #4 Adam Vinatieri was the kicker. Who set the NFL record this year for the most consecutive field goal made with 44. Adam is 44 years old.

    1. Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr in English Gematria Equals: 1722

      Super Bowl Li In Houston in English Gematria Equals: 1722

      Aaron Rodgers Super Bowl Li in English Gematria Equals: 1722

      Lady Gaga Tom Brady Aaron Rogers=1722

      Connects to Pi

      Brady Rodgers Gaga in English Gematria Equals: 912

      Super Bowl LI In English Gematria equals: 912

      Super Bowl Li=152. Brady Rodgers Gaga=152

    2. forgot to add that the 156th prime is 911

    3. this is the 666 season, 6x6x6=216 and bradys BD was on the 216th day last year because of the leap year. Rodgers BD was on the 336th day lol 3 sixes = 666.

    4. brady had 237 games before the playoffs began. 237 + 732 =969 and 969 is the speed of saturn. Also there is a commercial that brady was in last year that showed 237 number on the door like it was some kind of prophecy.

    5. Using the mac daddy method, Jewish Gematria.

      Super Bowl LI in Houston=2023
      Super Bowl Fifty One=2023
      Interesting that both Super Bowl phrases have the same Jewish Gematria. How about this guy’s name?

      Thomas Edward Patrick Brady=2023 in Jewish Gematria

      Also run the table and NRG stadium exactly match each other in all methods.

    6. From Tom Brady’s first game of the 1998 season at Michigan on September 5. To the Super Bowl on February 5. It will be 18 years, 5 months. Donald John Trump=185.

    7. Rodgers & Nelson dead, i meant Prince.

  16. Rodgers statefarm commercial he swung at a bee clay mattews is in it he wears 52 2/5 & doesnt his cousin play for the falcons

    1. trump loves his packer jersey

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. As a football fan, the Packers have kicked your teams ass in their house and in your house.
    That's a fact. (Reality)

    Fake news, why not just show the world the rigged NFL?

    Wrestling was great and when the truth was revealed the Rock is the highest paid entertainer in the world right now.

    His uncle just died.
    Jogging my illustrious mind, 95-97 packer season and OJ the Yankees and the movie 2012.

    That's how I remember certain sporting events

    Ironic the Hurricanes won their first bowl game in 10 years
    Rock is on top
    His famous wrestling uncle dead
    Packers are the missing piece
    OJ remake was this year
    BTW Houston rockets are competing too!
    Favre is retiring and I think about those packers vs Niners games.

    1. I think we will see major controversy at this SB because its 51 I think rigging charges my fly.

  20. Brady in court
    Hernandez in court
    Trump white hair Judge
    Rodgers is the sherif (Gunslinger his side arm pass is laser accurate) of the REAL American team. Title town USA, Route 66, vans 66
    Beatles (REVOLVER)!

  21. Can you imagine the look 👀 on Brady when Rodger Goodell hands the Lombardi to Rodgers

    87 out for pats
    87 out for packers

    This is a Texas Shoot out fellas !!!

    Wtf is everyone missing ?

    1. 77!
      Brady 77!
      Star Wars 77
      Trump 77
      Black Sunday 77
      12x12 144

      Rodgers 44!

      Clint Eastwood vs Charles Bronson

    2. 44 magnum !


      Fort Hood shooter
      D.C. Sniper
      Fort Lauderale Shooter
      Colorado shooter

      This is the California kid vs Kid Frisco

      Texas WESTERN

      The dirty dozen !


      White horse with Sheriff Peyton !

      Forget that bible b.s !!!
      Royal family

      This is 12 paces and winner takes all

      Ok coral

    3. I had a dream i was stomping out clint eastwood when i took at nap around 3pm. Funny you shoukd mention clint i kicked his face in , he was on the floor. Tokd my boyfriend about it he was laughing, did know who he was. #iamthetimeline

  22. it surprising to me how many people are talking about and basing their picks around Vegas betting odds... that are meant to deceive you in the first place lol.. 33/20 odds Pats payout turnout with the Gronk injury could not possibly reach a certain amount of bettors that the elite decide to change the Super Bowl outcome haha.. it's been decided ahead of time for months and these things will play out like they're supposed to.. not to hate but to me other people are dancing in circles around alot of wrong/misleading gematria connections for these other teams bc they want the teams they bet to win that had better odds payouts. they tell you ahead of time who will win and advertise and adjust betting odds accordingly. question tho, say if last year a completely ridiculous record number of people had bet on Broncos winning, would the NFL "change the script"(lol) and let Peyton Manning go out 1-3 in SB's, on SUPER BOWL 50 when Manning is a 5 life path, probably the best 5 lifepath ever in sports.?? that could never happen no matter what, Pats winning the SB would also give them their 51st playoff win lol. and Brady's 25th and Belichicks 26th win. add it up also 51. also, the NFL loves the Pats regardless of the deflategate they dragged out just for news stories/distractions. u think they'll let the Pats drop to 4-5 in all time pro football championships? it'd be pretty believable for the Pack to lose with how many fake injuries they're carrying. Lacy, Nelson, idk if u saw how many of their lineman kept coming up limping during the Cowboys game, weird. Just trying to give my input from what I've seen myself n read from others

    1. They had Brady miss the 4 games on PURPOSE
      That anger the dummies build for the Patriots
      Is exactly the reaction and energy they DESIRE
      From the masses.
      They shamed Brady with two loses to Forrest Gump!
      But he's still Winning and you hate it! The thought of that bitch winning again consumes you!

      .... just bet on the Patriots during the season and at home then bet against them in the SB !
      To not cover !

      2017? Yep your worst nightmare without gronk

      The case is strong Brady wants to play 10 more years lol

      No ones tired of Fast and Furious !


      IDGAF who is going to NE, they're not beating them in GILLETE where teams get their heads cut OFF!

    2. They'res a movie A Dog Purpose where the dog carries a flat ass football in his mouth. Someone going to get chewed up!

  23. Packers just signed a cornerback that was on the panthers who wore 25.

    1. Nice catch!

      But panthers lost SB, is this guy the reversal of fortune?
      SB50+51 is 101/11/2

      AFC going for win 25
      Brady going for win 25

      Brady could roast #25

      Or he is the hero vs Brady like Butler over

    2. Steelers Antonio brown leaks video

      Antonio brown slides down goal post

      AB on dancing with the star before winning the SB is that common

      Antonio Brown mooning the crowd , shaking his rear was strange.

      Brown cutting his hair like a temple/pyramid

      Brown Driving a Bentley ( British royalty)
      Last years Super Bowl

  24. When the Georgia Dome opened, the Falcons won the first game there over the New York Jets, 20-17 (37 points, the 12th prime, Aaron Rodgers wears #12). The second game they won at the Dome was against the Green Bay Packers, a score of 24-10 (34 points, Atlanta Falcons = 139, the 34th prime, Green Bay has 34 all time playoff victories going into this game, Matt Ryan is 2-4 in playoffs, with a win will be 3-4, and the Packers would fall to 34-22, and 'Ryan' = 22)

    The date of that Green Bay Packers game was October 4, 1992.
    October = 33
    10/4 message received

    This was Brett Favre's second start as a Packer (lol)

    Anyway, from 10/4/92 to 1/22/17 is a full span of 8877 days. If Matt Ryan wins, he'll have 88 (Georgia Wisconsin = 88, Trump = 88), and Green Bay = 77

    More work needs to be done looking into the Falcons. There are SO many sync ups for Matt Ryan, probably as many as there are for Rodgers. Rodgers definitely sucks more Zionist dick though, being in constant commercials and TV bs.

  25. Gronk is on the cover of madden he is hurt patriots are not goin 2 no superbowl

  26. Why is goodell going to atlanta again

    1. See above near the top, it's really on the surface, nothing except a New England guarantee, he would love to hand the afc trophy over to big ben and brown, that's proof the Steelers are losing.

  27. What nfl teams left that trump won they state

    1. The only traditional red state was Georgia. Penn is usually a swing state and Wisconsin is usually blue.

  28. Brett Favre doesn’t just think the Green Bay Packers will beat the New York Giants in the NFC wild-card game on Sunday. The Hall of Fame quarterback sees a long playoff run for his former team.

    Favre said Tuesday that he considers the Packers to be the favorites in the NFC.

    “Taking emotion out of it, I believe that the Packers are the team to beat, and I believe that they will be in the Super Bowl,” Favre said on his weekly SiriusXM Radio show. “Not taking anything away from the Giants, not taking anything away from Atlanta and the Cowboys and so on and so forth.

    So I'm guessing Atlanta Falcons next on the hit list

  29. I told y'all packers r winning the bowl write it down take a pic it's a wrap and the numbers lie sometimes. King CHARLES will reign

    1. Big Ben said they need to slay the dragon. Big Ben will slay the dragon for the king.

  30. For royalty reference,
    GB = Great Britain

    1. Boom! iivarii

    2. Money-wise,
      Brexit is just another imaginary reason to get
      casino markets to fluctuate.
      Change --> profit

      doesn't matter up or down.

      it tells more though.

    3. But yes, good point that
      WALL street vs City of London = new england (usa) vs great britain


  31. Patriots vs Packers = New England vs Great Britain

  32. I picked Packers over Giants W
    Cowboys over Packers L
    Atlanta over Packers ?

    7-1 in playoffs going against Packers was the 1 loss.

    Then I realized packers won 1 @ home
    1 on the road with 1 on the road remaining.

    1.2 like Rodgers
    If they win 4 games tribute to #4
    If they lose 2-1

    Everything pointing to GB.
    If Atlanta won their first game VS the Jets and their coach was born on 9/11 and is from NJ.
    Then ATL could be done.

    Home teams usually have advantage
    Arthur blank Home Depot

    "Not in this house not anywhere" Arod
    Like a lighting bolt hitting a house on fire.

    Chargers moved from SD to LA
    Lighting bolts fire sale

    45+51=96 Super Bowl vs Pats

    Packers Jersey given to Trump.

  33. @NosB

    10 paces at high noon (12)


  34. Falcons have some good story tributes going for them,
    mainly space and phoenix rising.
    Packers have strong story tributes, mainly exodus, factories back, greatness & winner tribute.

    If my storyline of 'make america great AGAIN' is correct,
    GB should win, because it represents past and present greatness more and better than ATL.

    Also NE should win, because it represent past & present greatness more and better than PIT.

    Then it would be New England vs New England in the SB51,
    because Great Britain is new England, and America is new England.

    New England tribute would also tell the phoenix rising story,
    "a new New England rising",
    without needing Falcons in it.

    1. Gonna bet for steelers & packers as well,

      steelers gave a gift to a Jesuit,
      packers gave a gift to a Jesuit,
      that saturn connection or whatever links both of them for SB51,
      a rematch of SB XLV.

    2. iivarii

      It's unusual to give the incoming president a jersey before being invited to White House.

      Not sure I remember a team giving anything to a pope before.

      Great points you made

    3. Before the inauguration, Presiden Elect, P.E.
      Public Enemy #1.

    4. Insane

      "There's just something you can't understand, how to kill a brother man"

      Yeah boy .. lol

      Trump is racist to most like Elvis lol.

      Great find!!!

  35. All of you guys are ignoring the crazy sync ups with Matt Ryan, so idk why I bother, but...

    Bradley Chelsea whatever the fuck he she is Manning had his/her sentence commuted by Obama, and is getting out on May 17,2017, Matt Ryan's birthday. Just another in a long line of stuff that connects with the Falcons.

    1. Btw iivarii, Matt Ryan and Arthur Blank are Jesuits; kind of "Trumps" giving things to Jesuits. Just saying.

    2. Good point, thanks.
      Did not know that.

    3. He (Ryan) has gotten this far, so of course there are connections.
      Will he go futher, that's the question.

      How is Chelsea Mannings release relevant,
      how does it tell me who wins?

    4. Falcon = 51 = Mars (The god of war). Mars is a red planet and Georgia is a red state. The Falcon's colors and the new Mercedes stadium seam to fit a German WW2 theme. Matt Ryan will be 11,587 days old on Super Bowl 51. Using the 13 Moon Calendar the end date would fall on March 17th (76th day) or '9/11' on the 13MC. The last time the Patriots lost was against the SeaHawks, 84 days before SB51.

    5. @ joe

      Alright. Thanks for letting me know!

    6. Obama is old news, period.

      Seriously please put up you Falcons info, we are all quite civil this week, I put some Atlanta info up above, but broke it down for the Steelers loss, defacto a New England win.

      Honestly there is a lot lining up for both, but what is the true indicator?

      Gematria of the Cowboys was overwhelming this season if they made it thru Green Bay, everyone lined up for this Sunday. That will be next year.

      SB 52 will be Dallas vs. Houston, I coined the term 'Rodeo Bowl'. Remember the 'Subway series'?
      NFC Championship or Divisional will have Green Bay bowing out to Dak.
      Jj Watt had his injury year. Which is a huge indicator in my opinion, it's when the good player is groomed by the powers that be to make it far. Jordy Nelson.

      Now another twist, if Jordy Plays, it could shine on Atlanta some to win. If he doesn't play it is overly obvious packers are in the bowl if my conjecture about injury years is right.
      He will probably suit up and not start, or have many fewer snaps.

      Wait for the Rodgers title belt to come out on a TD run.

    7. Ryan went to Boston College. Jesuit = 84.

  36. And interestingly,

    wouldn't steelers vs green bay make a winner & greatness tribute too?
    PIT with 6 wins in 8 SB's, a record
    GB with most all time championships.

    And New England tribute too,
    with Big Ben still going into a new era and GB = Great Britain.

    And Exodus tribute for Aaron's rod,
    Steelers being the Pharaohs men the magic wand defeated by splitting the waters near desert (Houston).

    Maybe in Exodus' context, patriots are the pharaoh himself.
    Aaron's rod never defeated the pharaoh, just his men.

    1. And nether did pharaoh ever defeat Aaron's rod.

    2. They can make it 6-9 in a loss to green bay

      Like 96!

  37. America = New England
    Great Britain = New England

    Patriots from New England, New England
    Packers from Great Britain, New England
    Falcons from George over Atlant, New England
    Steelers from ??, New England

    Any ideas guys?

    1. Pits in transylvania,
      where british royalty blood line leads,
      Prince Charles specifically has been in news about it!

      Pits'boro', Transylvania, OLD ENGLAND

  38. After Damon Harrison said

    "I just won a Super Bowl last night on Madden with the Green Bay Packers.

    That statement gotta make you think that Aaron Rogers is going all the way

  39. Out of all the teams..

    Patriots have very little noise especially with the Brady suspension and Gronk out.

    ATL is flying under the radar.

    Seems like every commercial and everywhere Steelers and GB are the focus

    Just like the election.
    We all know how that turned out.

    #1 SEEDs were planted for a reason.

    One or both get in! Or if the two #1's

    Represent the tower 1 and 2 collapsing

    And Pitt is the shanksville plane

    Then Rodgers will be crowned.

  40. I'm sticking to NE until the SB then I'm taking them not to cover!

    Going with Atlanta over GB if I'm right or wrong I will show you guys after what I found.

    I do not want spies to know we found another way of getting the answer.

    invarii and a few others I can send you an email with the Proof that I found by chance.

    Patriots vs ATL in a Super Bowl ATL won
    Miami dolphins were the beneficiary of a trade
    With ATL. Ironically the Patriots lost to Miami
    Last season ended up traveling to Denver
    This year they beat Miami and had home field.

    Don Shula was the King of the NFL for many years. He ties to Belichik and the Colts
    Belichick wanted that 19-0 record! But we all know how that ended 😈.

    Patriots steelers and Broncos
    Own the 2000's until today.

    Who will be the first to 9?

    Patriots vs Pitt is really 88!

    Packers are the 44 (4) farve

    ATL is the millinean falcon which crash repaired
    And was back in action has a NEW pilot.
    Ryan over Vick
    Harrison ford was killed in the Star Wars movie before Rogue 1 which his lover the princess died too.

    Tesla rocket also crashed

    That is the reason I think Packers get it done.

    Picking ATL but torn on going against packers again and they are red hot.

    If ATL shows enough promise they open the new building with enthusiasm.

    Arthur BLANK as in ZERO!

    Aka Dr Freeze AKA Lurch !

    1. Thanks Harry.

      I'm thinking SB rematch, because bla bla bla AGAIN.
      Surprisingly, I'm starting to give PIT a chance...
      But if i was an owner, I'd go with pats-packers.
      Best for the league.
      And fulfills silly tributes too like every remaining team.

      Falcon reaching SB in a year of greatness and winning...
      Nah, i feel 'pretty good' isn't gonna cut it this year.

    2. But nah...

      Steelers - Packers
      would be
      "bring back dem factories" super bowl.
      Not good enough either.

    3. Looks like you have been right about the patriots all along.
      They make the most sense.
      Packers make the most sense too.
      There's your SB51 script.

      Make the league great again!

  41. Vick was a DOG killer or GOD killer

    ELectrified and shot GOD in the head!

    These sick fucks used lucky #7 to carry out the Hoax from VT home of the campus shooter!
    From Virginia Beach like Iverson
    #7 #3 both quarter backs
    777 or 21/12 10/01

    Ryan is a Jesuit here to bring order.
    The Great white hope! From the lineage of PA
    The birth place of Joe Montana.

    Pope blessed PA home of the child sex offenders at Penn St. Big Ben another sex offender Ryan is the Alter Boy!

    1. Falcons 41-10. 38-13. Has to be a blowout to get ratings up for SB. Pats will be a 3 pt favorite.

    2. Should be sweet money line on the SB. I am parlaying Falcons/Under this week.

    3. Give me your email address. I have the clincher so you cannot doubt the Falcons. Not giving it to everyone.

  42. Ryan was a BC Eagle Vick was a Philly Eagle

    Both were Falcons

    Vick became a NY Jet (Titans) and a Steeler

  43. State Farm Commercial doesn't lie

    Especially the one with
    Randall Cobb & Aaron Rodgers together

    1. Curry lost when he joined state farm
      So did CP3
      Now Rodgers turn ?

      His house is on fire notice that black lifted truck ?
      Go look at Cam Newtons lifted black truck

      Better yet look at Big bens black Harley he crashed on the 6th avenues bridge.

      Go deeper I do!

    2. Pitsburg steelers & packers sb51 that's the clue in the verizon commercial. "Football maybe not enough life" bill cowherd could be referring that packers might fall to pitsburg. Trump receiving a packers jersey earlier could mean that he sacrificed them and it has been predetermined.

  44. Steelers were Pirates before they were Steelers

    Raiders went down too, so did Joe Pa and Penn st got worked at the Rose Bowl. Houstons coach was also at Penn st. The current Penn st
    Coach came from Vanderbilt where Rodgers younger brother played and then became the Bachelor/ analyst for the SEC.

    Because all ROADS lead back Rome

    1. Aaron Rogers is on fire right now he gonna be the next wildfire come through Georgia after Sunday When he melt Matty ICE

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. @Wildcard

    That is awesome!! Love it!

    Matt is a career choker like Romo and ATL WR drop a lot of balls.

    I'm 50/50 on this game

    Fun game to watch.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. GB G=7
      Also if Greenbay win out they will get there 10th in the SB.
      Possible match up is packs vs pats or packs vs steelers

  46. Here is an organic clue that The Falcons will lose. Ed Chiarini quotes. So I just saw a live feed of protesters in DC. They were beating on Home Depot buckets. If you call out the product and say boycott Home Depot products you will see the lawyers react since everything you see on the tv is approved by the lawers who watch everything all the time. So what happened when I called them out? Within a few minutes they shut the feed down.

  47. That's a great Clue.

    I'm 50/50 on the NFC
    Indoor game, easier for Rodgers to perform his sideline passes.

    Games indoor are easier to rig. There are more markers on the sidelines.

    Easier for the drone footballs 🏈 to reach the targets. Less interference!

  48. One more thing i was born around same time as Matt, and the alignments and celestial orbits, configurations, planets, retrogrades and miljy way were doing some pretty spectacular movement up there, inside our sky, kind of like a symphony being played music that was special beyond magical, so that would be one reason i will find out if there was a special full moon he was boorn on like Trump and what Astrotheology is saying. He is truly a Taurus , cusping gemini and we just had a castor and pollux moment.

      Plenty of pluto worship even joan rivers a guy with wings looking like michael arch angel and sherlock temple of doom, etc...


    3. Eye of horus, a falcon
      Horus took the form of a falcon and flew up at the beginning of time as part of the creation. Also known as Horus of Two Eyes, his left eye represented the sun and his right eye represented the moon.
      The name Horus means “the one far above,” which indicated his importance above all other gods of Egypt.
      Horus the falcon god was Egypt’s first national god worshiped by all of Egypt. One of the most important gods of ancient Egypt, the worship of Horus spanned over 5,000 years.
      Annubis scepter.

    4. I was born on a full moon and with a master builder birth date, how enlightening.

  49. Patriots vs atl in superbowl. Arod and steelers have flu. Plus jordy nelson is returning. Nelson-rodgers.

    1. I say pats vs packers good luck with your picks tho. May the best numbers prevail

  50. nice job Zach..easy to forget you have talent

  51. Falcons vs Patriots...number 1 vs 2 Brady tribute(12). I think the ref of the game is there to keep the Patriots from winning the game. I do not see Goodell celebrating this SB with the Pats.

  52. Also,

    I had a dream (my dreams be fortelling things and I post it on my Social Media)....where I predicted the outcome of TB and ATL in the last 2 games of the season and said before Xmas that the Falcons was going to win the division. I was right.

    I had a dream 2 night ago where GB was the receiving team and the ball landed on the 45th yd line. But it kept bouncing up and down & not moving forward on the 45th yd line. Aaron Rodgers and GB was standing there looking confused and GB stayed stuck. So my conclusion is that the miscommunication and/or confusion will lead GB to a loss.

    1. I had a dream that I was an elite numerologist with the name Gary Grinberg and that the Cowboys were going to play the Patriots, then I woke up and realized I'm just an obese Zionist who loves Donald Trump that always gets picks wrong.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. See,

      I wasn't wrong in any of post season picks this season. Matter of fact, I on Skip and Shannon Undisputed channel,.......13 days before the game.....

      "I just want everyone to remember this video when the Cowboys goes down."

      Who's the fool now?

    4. No so. The ball stuck on the 45 is Superbowl 45 stuck in time. Greenbay/Pittsburgh. Stuck in time= 144

    5. NAAH bro it's a cute story but its pats/packers

    6. If that was the case, then Aaron and GB would not look confused. The Ball would have moved in their favor instead being stuck. I am a pro at interpreting my dreams.

      The TB and ATL last set, dated Dec 23rd. In that dream, I saw 2 TV screens and one for TB and one for ATL.....The TV screen for ATL showed them winning the game that won them the division. The other TV screen showed TB lost the game they were playing. So I concluded that TB will lose one of the 2 remaining games and ATL will win the division. I ended up being right.

    7. Fade the "dreamer". Shows up night before the game. Anybody ever see this guy before? Vegas plant?

    8. I actually have been replying in the other posts for the past 2 days. Not just today.

    9. I am new. Don't get me wrong But I thought this forum is open to anyone. Don't be an asshole.

    10. Oh... Ok. But you know that when you talk about dreams you better be right or you open yourself up as a shill if your wrong. I had a dream last night but I didn't bring it up. I think It might have been about one of the QB's in tomorrows games will have 3 interceptions. The third will cost them the game. It could also be about something else or nothing. Thats why I didn't bring it up. Anyway lets see if you're right.

    11. Just as a responsible human being. I can admit to mistakes and being wrong but so far I have been right.

    12. It's name is Bishop V. They only move diagonal in chess, evasive.

      'Bishop Five' = 666/111
      'Bishop' = 33

      I like it, makes me sure of some things.

    13. When in the center of a chess board, a bishop can make 13 potential moves, and it makes a cross.

  53. I am Kim Campbell ,From united states of America. I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. This year June. My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was bringing to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,OKU AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. .My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost OK..Thanks or add him on whasapp +2347053113465

  54. I am Kim Campbell ,From united states of America. I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. This year June. My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was bringing to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,OKU AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. .My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost OK..Thanks or add him on whasapp +2347053113465

  55. I just saw the new Underworld movie lol, not great of course but I was entertained

  56. GB 10-6. Or 11-6 or 10-7
    ATL 11-5. Or 12-5 or 11-6

    NE 14-2 or 15-2 or 14-3
    Pitt 11-5 or 12-5 or 11-6


  57. Zack did you see the news this morning they are reporting that there has been 2 deaths do to tornados now it's up to 11 deaths in Atlanta due to tornado6

  58. Zack did you see the news this morning they are reporting that there has been 2 deaths do to tornados now it's up to 11 deaths in Atlanta due to tornado6

  59. Aaron rodgers questioned atlanta's crowd noise. Expect alot of false start penalties from the packer's offense.

    1. Green Bay travels soo well, that if you're not paying attention to the game, you'll hear the crowd roar on big plays, you'll turn your head and see the play was for Green Bay.

      They will neutralize the home field advantage.

      Rodgers will get free plays, he will get 12 man on the field plays, that's what the populous wants, that's what they will get.

      Now everyone notice the sponsors in these games today. Watch who is paying for the game to be put to the masses.

      Especially if there is a Gatorade or Pepsi commercial.

    2. I expect Rodgers to pull out the Title Belt on a TD run.

      'Discount Double Check' = 77

  60. A former Atlanta Braves player died this morning at 33 years old. Andy Marte.

  61. So the last time GB played ATL, 10-30-16.
    That date to today is
    2 months 23 days, 223 or 322
    84 days, sum of factors of 44
    12 weeks, 12 c'mon.
    And including the end date..
    12 weeks 1 day, 121 (revelation, or 11 squared.)


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