Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Richie From Boston, a flat earther and a scam artist

This is the kind of company you keep when you're a flat earther.  Hear dem sound effects?


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  3. Your point? Alex Jones and Dahboo7 believe in the ball Earth. Are you saying that you're one of them?

    1. Dude if you're displeased with Zach stop hanging around here. But let me ask you: Do paid agents' addresses get spread on the internet? Do paid agents get attacked by almost every notable truth channel on YouTube? Do paid agents get harassed by the police? I'll tell you what legionary: Go find what masonic Lodge Zach is in, prove that he's a liar about all of his police harassment, and then perhaps I'll consider him a paid agent as you've been saying all month. It's a shame honestly because you've contributed a lot around here and now you're letting this disagreement over the shape of the Earth get the better of you.

    2. It's gotten the better of Zach too, unfortunately.

    3. Yeah mad1dog everybody's really angry right now over this BS. I personally don't think it's flat but I don't think mirroring videos debunking FE is gonna bring an end to the community. If anything only more tension is being caused. The only way we will know for sure is when we take the world back and go look for the firmament! And if we see it, great! If not, well that's that! I don't think everyone who believes in FE is a retard (some are), but I do think it's retarded to say someone's a paid shill because they are strongly against the idea.

    4. And the reason I don't think EVERYONE is a retard for thinking it is because of people like legionary07 and LOOKIN FOR THE TRUTH 100%, because they have made smart comments yet beLIEve the flat model.

    5. Big difference between arguing points and just crying,slandering, and attacking. The videos uncover just that. The comment section is embarrassing. They have caused so much damage its overwhelming. Its also hilarious. I was literally in tears. Im going to show my father who flew commercial for 30 years the comment section. He has no clue about Flat Earth. It will be the first time he is called a shill for being a pilot LOL. Again, Thats all these people do

    6. Again I ask Zach... Why do you talk to the "retard" Jeff Young then? Truth is, All4Truth was started to divide the truth community, and it's never been more clear than now. Zach knows what he's doing. He's way smarter than this.

      It's supposedly a "non-topic", but let me make 5 videos a week to remind anyone who questions the bullshit we've been fed from birth, that they're a retard. MAKES NO SENSE. Zach's either severely butthurt over a few YouTubers, or getting paid handsomely to cause division. If it's the former, grow up man. Every truth channel on Earth has been called a shill network.

    7. Shab... Was your father also at Sandy Hook too? I mean, those are the types of messages you read when there's a hoax shooting lol.

    8. Completely missing my point. It's just incredible. It's a laugh. He will get a kick out of it

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    10. Why listen to Zach when the truth is within you.

      You guys need to read people like CARL JUNG and get some perspective from intelligent people.

      Zach, honestly getting old buddy. Stop with the divide and Conquer.

      Your obviously separating people from their emotions and stirring the pot.

      The form of Gematria he teaches is really the skin of the truth of Gematria.

      Cycles and Circles right Zach? Just how you teach your brainwashed minions.

  4. We live in a world of duality that is constantly demanding you to pick one side or the other. Its so fucking tiresome.
    I like hearing evidence from both sides, but that doesn't mean I'm with OR against one side or the other. I can consider lots of things without necessarily BELIEVING wholeheartedly in any one particular side. I also think it's a good idea to question and criticize all sacred cows, especially in a culture as thoroughly retarded and filled to the brim with optical illusions, distorted information, and utter fabrications as this one.
    Round or flat? It's probably neither, or both - circular but flat like CD.
    The latter makes sense given the Overlords sense of humor and love of doublespeak/wordplay.
    Washington DC

    1. The answer is its a realm. It doesn't have shape. Look at the Flat Earthers illuminati card. It says "people laugh, but theyre onto 'something.'" Gematria has revealed we live in some sort of matrix. Theres too much synchronicity for it to be man-made.

  5. all the answers are inside where attention goes energy flows they need your energy stop giving it away to the bottom feeders


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