Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, January 14, 2017

WATCH | 'The End of the World', Trackdown episode, May 9, 1958 (Walter Trump)

Here is the full episode of the TV shown written about much in the last week that seems to have foreshadowed the "con-man" Donald Trump presidency, right down to "the wall".


  1. I think all of these events are planned even more in advance that many assume.

    From the airing of that episode to Trump's presidential campaign announcement on 6/16/2015 is 57 years, 1 month, 7 days. 57x17 = 969. That is no accident. Trump's campaign was 511 days long. Saturn is clearly all-important to these people.

  2. Speaking of endings:

  3. NFL PLAY OFFS!!! VERY STRONG ON NFL PLAY OFFS!!! GONE 4-2 SO FAR IN PLAY OFFS!!! I have the winners and the selections ready for $$$ Also NBA PLAYS I PROVIDE. Message me on twitter @The_NFLprophet for more information

  4. Elite are trolling the truth community.
    TheYrump assasination ATTEMPS will be a hoax ! Nothing more.

    1. The most unpopular president ever (fake poll)
    2. The most hot air
    3.The most repulsive deplorable on earth
    4.The most assasination attemps
    5.The biggest Business failure EVER

    He's not President and at least 3 of these are off the board! ��

  5. To my eyes, this show seems to be recently scripted and filmed then edited to appear to be from 1958. That this episode has just been discovered is too convenient. Watch Steve Martin in "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" for example. And like the song "Good Ol' Shoe" (from "Wag The Dog") was recorded in 1930. I think we are being played.


      I was having the exact same thoughts. (Great comparisons, btw!)

      Remember the commercial from several years ago with John Wayne appearing to sell something -- long after he was dead?

      The ability to make these "HISTORICAL REPRODUCTIONS" look "right" has been around for quite awhile --
      Your examples from the '80's & '90's are proof of that!

      Totally agree about the "convenient timing" of this "discovery" too.

      Hearing that Snopes was promoting this really convinced me that this was another deception.
      In their way, they are a branch of Major Media -- & that pretty much says it all right there.

      This is an excellent example of the "dangers" encountered when ALL of our Info is Digitalized.

      Google Books is another case-in-point ... they aren't trying to make literature "accessible" as much as they are COLLECTING.
      If "REVISIONS" are made at some point -- how will anyone know if no one possesses the hard copies?

      And just as ANYTHING from our (supposed) "HISTORY" can obviously be ADDED ...
      Vast amounts of TRUTH & KNOWLEDGE can be ERASED even more easily.

      THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing this up!

      I really hope others will see your post --

      Because I believe you are 100% RIGHT ON THE MARK!! :D :D

    2. Thank you. In light of the trend to call out fake news I thought it appropriate to question this buried treasure. No one found this show in the last year and a half???

      As a side dish...

      A friend of mine, who is a science fiction buff, recently made me watch an episode of "Outer Limits" (which also featured Robert Culp).

      The plot line was...

      "The world has entered a Cold War-like setting in which nuclear holocaust appears imminent. In the hope of staving off an apocalyptic military confrontation between nations, an idealistic group of scientists working at United Labs plans to stage a fake alien invasion of Earth in an effort to unite all humanity against a perceived, common enemy."

    3. Season 1; Episode 3
      Originally broadcast:
      September 30, 1963
      9 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 31
      9 + 30 + (1 + 9 + 6 + 3) = 58
      9 + 30 + 19 + 63 = 121
      9 + 30 + 63 = 102

      Outer Limits
      Gematria Jewish 693
      Gematria Reduction 53
      Gematria Summerian 966
      Gematria Ordinal 161
      Gematria English 1043

      The Outer Limits
      Gematria Jewish 806
      Gematria Reduction 68
      Gematria Summerian 1164
      Gematria Ordinal 194
      Gematria English 1256

      Architects of Fear
      Gematria Jewish 547
      Gematria Reduction 76
      Gematria Summerian 942
      Gematria Ordinal 157
      Gematria English 787

      The Architects of Fear
      Gematria Jewish 660
      Gematria Reduction 91
      Gematria Summerian 1140
      Gematria Ordinal 190
      Gematria English 1000

      To include the "The" or not? This is the question.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You are correct. Rewriting/editing digital history started the same day digital record started being collected & produced.
      Been going on since.

      Remember those poor propagandists in 1984? They had to rewrite physical copies of old newspapers etc. to fit the new desired narrative. Takes much less effort nowadays.

      This IS how history is formed; A lie agreed upon, fitting the current desired narrative; with valuables kept hidden.

      New methods, old practise.

    6. Great work! Here's another one you HAVE to watch:

      STARGATE SG-1, Season 7 Episode 5 ... "REVISIONS"

      Aired 7/11/2003

      On "another planet" all of the people wear "THE LINK".

      It's a NEURAL INTERFACE device that attaches to their temple & connects them to a Super Computer much like the Internet.

      Quote: "The Link contains the sum total of our knowledge & wisdom. All our history, our culture, our science ... everything."

      Books & hard copies are practically non-existent because they're "no longer necessary".

      As the title implies, they've become so dependent upon The Link that they never question it's accuracy.

      In order to comply with it's mandate to "protect the population", the Computer has upgraded itself & not only "revises" EVERYTHING -- via constant daily "UPDATES" --

      But it has also obtained the ability to ERASE FROM THEIR MEMORIES ... any "INCONVENIENT INFORMATION" ... down to wiping out all knowledge of PEOPLE they knew the day before.

      From the moment I first saw this, I viewed it as a Cautionary Tale about where things were heading ...

      And that was BEFORE everyone had Smart Watches, etc.

      STARGATE SG-1 has more prescient foreshadowing than ANY show I've yet to run across.
      If you focus on the subtext, there are hidden jewels of Accurate Information hidden throughout most episodes.

      Some of the MOST ACCURATE references are so subtle they'd be easy to miss.

      Such as: " ... the ANTIQUATED THEORY of Quantum Physics" (which truly IS bullshit designed to confuse & deceive -- an "engineer/scientist" I worked with at White Sands Missile Range conveyed that Truth, years before 'Quantum Physics' became a household buzzword) ...
      the "Revelation" of "8-BASED MATH" --
      a system that uses ... Factors Of 8 ... (instead of 10 or 12).
      (BTW: don't bother with the wiki page for "Octal Math" -- it's also nothing but confusing bullshit!)

      I ran some computations & even applied "8-BASED MATH" to Gematria -- & damn if it it didn't work perfectly ...

      Which may be why "8" turns up so frequently in many important words & phrases ... (even "44" sums to "8").

      The ubiquitous "322" sums to "8" ... if you calculate it
      "correctly" --
      3 x 2 = 6 ... 6 + 2 = "8"

      By "Turning The Key" one-quarter turn (in any direction)

      The "KEY" -- which is the "x" -- becomes a "+".

      Alternating the "key" (or symbol/tool) used to reach a sum is yet another layer of these codes that's left to decipher.

      This is part of the vast "hidden world" that's being concealed behind Distracting Layers of FICTIONALIZED "HISTORY"! :D ;D

    7. Great stuff Mfsyy!
      Thank you.

      We should talk more sometime; about real physics and knowledge buried underneath all modern complicated nonsense.

    8. Iivarii -- sounds good to me. My wealth of useless trivia is always at the ready! Lol

  6. Here is the imbd page for the show:

    It appears to be a real show complete with 3 seasons of episodes. There is a review there from 2006.

    The character in the episode is called Walter Trump = 50


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