Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

YouTube | Donald Trump's Inauguration and the scripted assassination to come


  1. An amazing interview about Saturn from Santos Bonacci. There is a lot of pertinent information that fleshes out the masonic strategies of Saturn worship. Talks about meat eaters and why the powers that shouldn't be got us addicted to meat. Also talks about the positive side of Saturn. Highly recommend it.

    1. Thank you -- will definitely check it out!

      Depictions of Saturn are referenced in the drawings & oral histories of virtually ALL indigenous & ancient cultures -- populations that existed LONG BEFORE anyone even thought up Freemasonry or Monotheism! ;D

  2. Saturn does not exist!

    Trump will not be Assasinated.

    Someone is desperate for followers

  3. At work, so I didn't watch the video, but I'd be really surprised if they retire Trump on Friday... It won't even be believable with all of the security that will be there. You can't get anywhere near him.

    1. ...Unless the Illuminati card comes true, and the "snipers drop him"

    2. Like I said in the video, I don't think it will be Inauguration Day.

    3. Zack is flipping his death pick too? Lmao

      I thought 1/19 was IT, the card game the
      Sniper , ex soldier hit man..

      Let me guess, Easter bunny will not off Donald Duck ?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (BOOK FROM MY SCHOOL EXPLAINS GEMATRIA THROUGH AN IDEA MADE BY AN AUTISTIC KID) Zach I am a 16 year old sophomore at a public school and in my pre-ap English class we have began reading this book that seems harmless and is read like a common book among common students. The book is titled "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. To shorten things up as much as possible: This kid has autism and is obsessed with numbers ESPECIALLY prime numbers. He then says and this is a exact quote "Being clever was when you looked at how things were and used the evidence to work out something new. Like the universe expanding or who committed a murder. Or when you see someone's name and you give each letter a value from 1 to 26, (a = 1, b = 2, etc.) and you add the numbers up in your head and you find that it makes a prime number, like Jesus Christ (151), or Scooby Doo (113), or Sherlock Holmes (163), or Doctor Watson (167)."

  5. Zack when is your book coming out ?

    I ran out of fire wood.

    1. While Zach is sacrificing in the cold being slandered and hated infinite more times than you, you're trolling by the fire keeping warm. Must be nice and cozy. Just print out every useless comment you made on this blog... It should burn for a while...

    2. I want the book but i just might have to print out everything this is valuable work

  6. @madpuppy

    afraid of the TRUTH?
    Where's the Book Ron Hubbard was working on? Or did the cops steal it?
    Or was the script in the Cadillac truck?
    Some minions never learn!

  7. It's quite Cozy, thank you.
    Run along little sheep 🐑

  8. How much money could they possibly pay him to stage his own fake assassination and go live on an island in Mexico? Do you think he'd actually go through with all of this just for that ending?? gee let me think....this one is hard to trump real or NWO??? hmmm,, I can't decide....this fraud is telling me he is NWO and zionist....should I believe him?? lol

  9. Is that why the whole CNN news organization is non stop attacking Trump ever since he got popular with the public? Oh yeah....zach, here in the midwest we love Trump, and we know what those slimy dems were up to and we know what Obama has been doing for awhile now. TRAITOR. What's up fool.

  10. Does Donald Trump sound like a sycophant of the NWO? He doesn't kiss up to anyone. Wake up!

  11. 1.Trump will die for pissing on the GOP ... wrong

    2.Trump will get killed during the debates..wrong

    3. Trump will die on 9/11/16...wrong

    4.Trump will die before Election Day.. wrong

    5. Trump will die Christmas Eve ...wrong

    6.Trump will die New Year's Eve..., wrong

    7.Trump will die on 1/19/17 ...wrong

    Zack first the colts, then Hillary, then Obama
    Now trump..

    You're running out of predictions.

    Jewmatria calculator needs calibration!


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