Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

39 42 62 74 86 113 144 223 | 'Firearms incident' at Parliament in London, England, March 22, 2017 +Belgium March 22, 2016 de ja vu & "Big Ben"

Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

The focus is on firearms, which are largely illegal in the U.K.

Today is March 22, 2017, the one year anniversary of the "Belgium Bullshit", if you can recall this date from 2016.

Today's date can be written 22/3 or 3/22.  Last year, there was a whole lot of '223' coded into the false flag propaganda.  '322' is also the number of Skull and Bones, the masonic order.

3/22/2017 = 3+22+20+17 = 62 (Mason) (Torah) (Queen) (Parliament)
3/22/2017 = 3+22+(2+0+1+7) = 35
3/22/2017 = 3+2+2+2+0+1+7 = 17
3/22/17 = 3+22+17 = 42 (Freemason) (Zionism) (May = 42) (Gun = 42) (New = 42)

167, the 39th prime
103, the 27th prime
Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

Chaos = 46; Hero = 46; Sacrifice = 46
Parliament = 62; 
109, the 29th prime (Masonic = 29/38/74)Palace of Westminster = 109
Phi = 1.61

Let us not overlook the Gematria of London in light of this being Mach 22, or 22/3.

England = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33
London = 74; Masonic = 74
Masonic = 223 (Jewish Gematria); Today is 22/3

Brexit = 33; Cameron = 33; TM = 20+13 = 33; MT = 13+20 = 33

Today is also 30-days before the Queen's birthday.

This news happened at 14:40 local time in London, a lot like '144', our 'time' number.

Remember, 1,440 minutes in a day, and the square root of 144 is 12.

12 months.  12 hours in the AM.  12 hours in the PM.

'Time' also connects to 'Elizabeth' and more.

This incident also comes 193-days before Theresa May's 61st birthday, October 1, 2017.

193, the 44th prime number

Kill = 44
Shooting = 44
Execution = 44

Again, the name 'May' also connects to today's date.

The name Theresa May even connects to the Queen.

This incident also comes 39-weeks after the Brexit vote of June 23, 2016.  May also has Gematria of '39'.

And speaking of Clock's and '39' weeks later..

Big Ben also has the 'Scottish Rite' tribute like 'England'.

And the '57' piece.

Also 42.

3/22/17 = 3+22+17 = 42

Last, Parliament also has a parallel to 'Skull and Bones'.

Actually, one last thing... the BBC, aka the 223.  Good ratings for them on March 22...

B = 2
B = 2
C = 3

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