Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

45 93 226 227 | Hundreds of Headstones destroyed at Mount Carmel Jewish Cemetery, Philadelphia, February 26, 2017

The emphasized phrase matches the date of the news, February 27.

Threatened = 46 (English Reduction)
2/27/17 = 2+27+17 = 46 (Chaos)

The story comes from one day earlier, February 26, the anniversary of when the Zionists bombed the WTC in 1993.

Two Hundred Twenty Six = 93
Saturn = 93
Propaganda = 93

Notice '226' is a lot like '2/26', the date of the headstones incident.

Headstones = 38 (Reduction); Death = 38 (Ordinal); Jew = 38 (Ordinal); RIP = 38 (Reverse O)

Notice the report comes from the 580th minute of the day.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Trump Tombstone = 58 (Remember that?)

Authority = 47; President

The name of the cemetery has parallels to Trump as well.

President of the United States = 114
Donald Trump = 138
303.... 33...

The date of the incident also has numerology connecting to Trump, the 45th President.

2/26/17 = 2+26+17 = 45 (Trump, #45)

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