Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

58 93 108 227 | Kevin Durant's February 28, 2017 injury, 93-days before the start of the NBA Finals

58-games?  Oakland = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58

Notice the date of the last time he didn't score double digits.  That was February 27, 2009, a little more than 8-years ago.

2/27/2009 = 2+27+20+09 = 58

This injury also comes 93-days before the start of the NBA Finals, June 1, 2017.  Remember, the Cavs won with 93-points in Game 7 in Oracle Arena, June 19, 2016.

Also, the opponent of the game this happened is interesting, the Washington Wizards.

February 27... 2/27... last time Durant didn't score double digits.

I was just talking about 227 and the Warriors in regards to their February 27, 2017 game against the Philadelphia 76ers, the original home of the Warriors.  The city named from Revelation, the first capitol.

Geometry = 108 (Ordinal) (Reverse Ordinal)

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