Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

138 166 | A list of '166' words in connection to September 11 and more +Montagraph's latest warning / prediction

This morning people are sending me Montagraph's latest video (The Umbrella Man) with my name in it.  He says something big is coming to New York and the number is "166" or as he says it "One six six".

What's interesting, is last night I watched Dan B's new video, and he was talking an awful lot about 166...

As we have covered, '166' has as lot to do with September 11.  Here's a list of '166'.

As a reminder...

Twin Towers = 166 (Ordinal)
One Hundred and Ten = 166 (Ordinal) (WTCs, 110 stories)
One Hundred Two = 166 (Ordinal) (9/11 attack, 102 minutes)
New York Nuked = 166 (Ordinal) (Did mini nukes take down the towers?  Ground zero?)
September Eleven = 166 (Ordinal)
Secret Society = 166 (Ordinal)
The Day of the Lord = 166 (Ordinal)
Nebuchadnezzar II = 166 (Ordinal) (Blamed for destruction of Solomon's Temple)
Annuit Coeptis = 166 (Ordinal)
Tetragrammaton = 166 (Ordinal)
The White House = 166 (Ordinal)
One World Order = 166 (Ordinal)
Supernatural = 166 (Ordinal)
The Terminator = 166 (Ordinal)
The Government = 166 (Ordinal)
Terrorist Act = 166 (Ordinal)
Secret Knowledge = 166 (Ordinal)
The North Star = 166 (Ordinal)

Empire State = 166 (Reverse Ordinal)
Eleven Years = 166 (Reverse Ordinal) (Think about H.W.'s speech 11-years to the day...)
Mother Nature = 166 (Reverse Ordinal)
Perfect Storm = 166 (Reverse Ordinal)

As I recall, a storm was off the coast of New York, around the time of September 11.

There's also this connection with 'One Six Six' and 'New York', as well as Mr. New York, Donald Trump.

7/26/1788 = 7+26+17+88 = 138

And, there's even this.

1 comment:

  1. New York Founded on 26/7? Location of the galactic center. Big Papi shot exactly 267 months after Big Poppa (Notorious BIG) Philadelphia area code


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