Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 4, 2017

13 42 47 54 58 99 169 | Sports media compares Aaron Judge of New York Yankees, to Derek Jeter, May 4, 2017

'Toast of NYC', eh?

Remember, everything in New York is '39', even the United Nations.

It's interesting that they're comparing Aaron Judge to Derek Jeter in terms of stardom in New York.  Derek Jeter is currently 42-years-old.

Notice how 'Aaron Judge' sums to '42'.

Notice the multiple references to 13 and 26 in the article is above.  First the '26'.

Second, Judge's connection to '13'.  He wears #99.

The name Derek Jeter also synchs with '13'.

The square root of 169 is 13.

We know Freemasonry likes '13'.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58

The breakdown down of 58 is 13 then 4.

58 = 5+8 = 13
13 = 1+3 = 4

Today's date, the date of this story, also connects to '13'.  Today is May 4, or 4/5.


Today's date, May 4, can also be written 5/4, a lot like 'Baseball', '54', a game of '54' outs.

Notice the Gematria of Aaron James Judge, his full name.

We also know how Freemasonry is quite fond of '47'.

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