Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, May 1, 2017

3 13 23 33 58 | The Freemason Compasses and Square, and it's man, woman & sex symbolism +G Spot and Freemasonry

Above linked is a video on the hidden meaning of 13, 23 and 33 to the Masons.

The video begins by explaining that the Compasses is a representational of the spiritual.  Think about how it is set at 47 degrees.

Christian = 47; Foundation = 47; Framework = 47; Authority = 47

The narrator says the logo is broken into an M and W for man and woman, with the G represneting the Generative property, or "sex".  
Sex = 33; Gnostic = 33; Magic = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; G = 33

This makes the term 'G spot' a lot more significant.

Also, the narrator says domes and spires represent the penis and breasts, symbols of the human beings sexual nature and reproduction.

The narrator then points out that the word 'Man' begins with M, the 13th letter, and the word 'Woman' begins with W, the 23rd letter.

M = 13
W = 23

He then points out the relationship between spiritual leaders and '13'.

I have to admit, B being compared to 13 is interesting.  If you don't see it, imagine breaking a B into parts so you had 1 3... see it now?  B >>> 13

From there, he shows the significance of summing 13+23+33 = 69

Saturn = 69; Arsenic = 69

If only this man knew reduction Gematria.

Kabbalah is based in reincarnation, so the symbolism of 69 with arsenic also fits in.

When you realize that Freemasonry is based in old world Hermetic knowledge (having to do with alchemy and spirituality), all of this starts to make a lot more sense.  Scientifically killing, with purpose, and a belief system in mind.

The dangers of religion, we're living it.

1 comment:

  1. The mind goes to sex only due to the way one perceived it but takes into account that it may also symbolize man creating in his own image just as the creator does for the whole universe.
    My name is John and I propose the author of this trash should know better. If not well the "G" represents completion!! Yes it is the 7th letter but look to the natural flow or the fibonacci sequence and the golden spiral.
    The highest degree is 33° and one is complete while Jesus Christ crucified at 33 his last words are "IT IS FINISHED" look at G and feel the clue ......
    1+1+2+3+5+8+13 = 33....21,34,55 And it continues. Well by now we all the name Sin is a Babylonian name for the moon. If ww3 looj at King Solomon's magic square of the moon is 9 × 9 AMD multiplied is 81 Amy's each column totals to 369 making the overall sum 369×9=3321 the 81st triangular number and the bridge from the crucifixion of "13"
    1+1+2+3+5+8+13 = 33, 21 <-3321 now before I go on don't forget please that before this crucifixion of 13 that 1,1,2 3 5,8,**13,21** -> 1321 is the 216th prime number and or moon aka SIN is 2160 miles in diameter. VERY NICE ZACH LYING TI THESE GOOD PEOPLE!!! You call yourself exposing evil and thata clear to see do my question or challenge is HAVE YOU TRIED REVEALING GOD INSTEAD OF EXPOSING EVIL??? ~ your friend John P.


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