Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

25 58 74 77 97 155 930 | Chaharshanbe Suri, Nowruz, Zoroastrianism, Christianity & the Calendar

This celebration happens at the Spring Equinox, the traditional New Year, prior to the Gregorian Calendar.

Tropic of Cancer = 74; Jesus = 74
Seasons = 97; 97 (The 25th prime, .25, a quarter, 4 seasons to a year)
Christianity = 155
277, the 59th prime; 59 the 17th prime
Chaharshanbe Suri = 930 (Sumerian) (Same as Christianity)

Nowruz means 'new day'.  Notice the overlap.

3x3x3 = 27
Geometry = 36 / 45 / 108
90 degrees per angle in a four sided square / 4 seasons / Holy Bible = 45 / 90

197, the 45th prime
181, the 42nd prime
91, the 13th triangular
Talmud = 71; Catholic = 71; Quran = 71 
Biblical = 58; The Creator = 58; Zodiac = 58; Stars = 58; Calendar = 58
Christ = 77
Revelation = 149

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