Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

33 84 159 | Ghostbusters and the Bible, Revelation 7:12 (Actually, Revelation 6:12)

Watch this clip from Ghostbusters, released June 8, 1984.

June 8 is the 159th day of the year
New Testament = 159

It leaves 206-days left in the year.  Bones / Masonic Temple / God

6/81/1984 = 6+8+19+84 = 117 (The United States of America = 117)
*United States of America = 84

Anyhow, you might have noticed in the clip he said Revelation 7:12, but truly, the verse he recites is Revelation 6:12.

Keep in mind 1984 was 33-years ago.  Bible = 33; Good Book = 33; Good Book = 84

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