Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

40 41 52 54 74 93 97 113 173 919 | Aaron Joel Mitchell, 41, kills himself by running into fire at Burning Man, September 3, 2017

A burning man at Burning Man?

This happened Sunday, the day named after the Sun, the ball of fire, on September 3, 2017.

They tell us the sun is 93m miles away.

Solar Man = 93 (Birthday celebrated December 25 by Pagans)
God's Son = 93
Nazareth = 93
Crucifix = 93
Christ the Redeemer = 93

*Saturn = 93 (Saturnalia at time of Christmas / Solar Man)
*Sun is 93 million miles away; Sun = 54; Saturn is seen most clearly from earth every 54 weeks

From this incident, September 3, to December 25, is 113-days.

16 and 1, like 1.61, Phi (Golden Ratio)

This year the festival began on the perfect date, August 27, the 239th day of the year.  239 is the 52nd prime, like Black Rock City = 52; 8/27/17 = 8+27+17 = 52

The name of the man who burned with the Kabbalah cipher sums to 239.

Torah = 239 (Jewish Gematria) (Kabbalah code comes from Torah)

*Fire = 38 (Reflection of 83)

Notice he was 41-years old.  Burning = 41; Christ = 41; Star = 13 (41, 13th prime)

Further, notice his name gematria, 74 / 97 / 173 

Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Killing = 74; Burnt Offering = 74
*Jesus Christ = 74; Jesus = 74; Cross = 74; Messiah = 74; Gospel = 74
Death = 97; 97, the 25th prime; Fire = 25
173, the 40th prime; Burning = 40; Old Testament = 40; United States = 40

Notice the gematria of 50 / 58 / 113 / 157 for Burning Man.

America = 50
United States = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58
Scottish = 113
United States = 157; 157, 37th prime (Mitchell = 37)

The festival ended this year on a date with '50' numerology, September 4, 2017.

9/4/2017 = 9+4+20+17 = 50

As for the motto of Burning Man, it has gematria of 919, the 157th prime.

Pershing = 96
Freemason = 96 (32x3)

This was the 32nd year of Burning Man, 31-years since the first, a number connected to the Cube, which represents Saturn.  32 is also the number of paths in Kabbalah.

Kabbalah connects to '52' in a big way.

Etz haChayim is the Jewish word for Tree of Life, which goes with the Kabbalah.

Cube = 13 / 31
*Houston = 31 (Larry Harvey?) (This news after Harvey and Houston)


  1. Searched your blog for a 919. This post is all that came up. Elijah Cummings was exactly 919 lunar sidereal months old when he passed.

  2. Cummings known as a diesel engine. Vin Diesel = 612 ext. Elijah Cummings = y12 extm "Vin Diesel" and "Cummings" have a lot of overlap too

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here it is. He died 174 days after the 133rd bday of William L Dawson who served 19 years and was the first African American chairman of the house oversight Committee. 174 great conjunction code. Baltimore Ravens = 174 ordinal. They put out an official statement on Cummings that sums to 2019 reduced. He shares a bday with Melania Trump who was born on his 84th birthday. Chernobyl was on his 100th birthday and we just had the 33rd anniversary of Chernobyl this year on Melania Trump's 49th bday

  5. Melania the second catholic first lady. Jesuit = 84


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