Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, September 17, 2017

7 42 62 96 | Despite Triple G clearly winning fight over Canelo Alvarez, it is called a draw on Mexican Independence Day, September 16, 2017

Watch the video here:

ESPN, true to form with the 0:42.

This fight took place September 16, 2017.  9/16/17 = 9+16+17 = 42

The divisors of 42 sum to 96.  A boxing ring is 96 feet around.

***Golovkin born April 8 or 4/8.  Freemason = 48 (English and Hebrew)

Muhammad Ali = 42 / 96

As for the 'draw', the date was also right.

9/16/2017 = 9+16+20+17 = 62

Mason = 62

Everyone is saying Triple G beat him good, but because Canelo is Mexican, and it was Mexican Independence Day, they called a draw.

Here is how the scoring went for most people, who clearly saw Triple G win.

Get that...

7 rounds in favor of Triple G (G, the 7th letter)
1 round for Alvarez
4 rounds called a draw, including the last

It's amazing people continue to watch pro sports, as routinely stupid as they are.

If they rematch for their next fights, it will be Triple G's 39th fight, and I'm pretty sure we'll see him beat Canelo like a 'red-headed stepchild'.... of 'Mexico'.

*See my recent work on the 8.1 earth quake of Mexico, on the 93rd Meridian.

Funny how 'red headed step child', 'Triple G' and 'twelve', as in 12 rounds, come together.

See my work on how the fight was perfectly synched with both fighter's birthdays:

Also, be sure to see my man posts on Triple G fights by the numbers.  Just search 'Triple G'.

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