Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 11, 2017

144 | Today is my 144th day of being 34-years-old, so I guess it was ripe for a crazy driver to come into my life

After getting some groceries, and waiting at the stop sign to exit the parking lot of the store onto the street, I saw a minivan hauling ass towards my bumper (way too fast for a parking lot).  I was bracing for impact when the driver slammed on the brakes, coming feet short of my bumper.  Then after they fully stopped, they accelerated again, driving into my bumper.  I got out of my car and asked the woman if she was okay, she said she was but her animal just died and her son really needed to get home.  I asked her if she had insurance and she gave me a sigh.  Then she said she really had to go but she just lived down the street.  I told her I would follow her.  When we got to her house, she said, "there's nothing wrong with your car, I'm going inside."  I asked her again for her insurance but she just walked on.  While the damage wasn't bad, she did put a dent and some scratches on the bumper...

Her husband came out a few minutes later and said he would call me tomorrow and will take care of it.  The husband also provided me with insurance information, but asked that I didn't call, and said he would square up first thing in the morning.  If the damage was worse I wouldn't have given him the benefit of the doubt, but from the looks of it, it shouldn't cost more than $500 to fix.

...And I have to tell you, I felt bad for this woman, because something seemed seriously wrong.

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