Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 18, 2017

42 81 93 181 | Tacoma to Portland Amtrak train crashes on first trip of new route, December 18, 2017

181, the 42nd prime
This happened in the 42nd state, Washington
The Seahawks were blown out by 42 yesterday
Seahawks = 42
Freemason = 42

They said train #181 was traveling 81 MPH...

Ritual = 81 / 81

Can you say planes, trains and automobiles?

Airport yesterday, train and freeway today...

The Jesuit Pope turned 81-yesterday.

Jesuit = 42

Saturn = 42 / 93
December Eighteenth = 93

This was the first train to travel the new Amtrak route, Tacoma to Portland.

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