Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

17 19 20 21 46 55 59 130 235 441 | Tyler Hilinski, 21-year old WSU QB, found dead, January 16, 2018

As for Tyler dying at age 21...  Saturn = 21 (Keeper of time, death and judgment)

441 has a square root of 21...
*Bible = 21; Jesuit = 21 (73 Books in Catholic Bible, the 21st prime number)

Why would a 21-year-old college QB who just played in the biggest game of his life kill himself?

*I'm thinking of Keith Jackson's recent death...

1/16/2018 = 1+16+20+18 = 55 (Tyler = 55) (Sacrifice = 55) (Satan = 55)
1/16 = 1+16 = 17 (Kill = 17)

Ritual = 81
Jesuit Order = 72
Sacrifice = 46
53, the 16th prime (Dead on 16th)

Recall, Keith Jackson who just passed was from Pullman, Washington:

Keith Jackson was class of '54 at WSU.  Jesuit Order = 54

5/26/1996 = 5+26+19+96 = 146 (May 26 is 146th day of the year)
Jesus Christ = 146

He has died 235-days after his 21st birthday...

 He has died 130-days before his 22nd birthday.

He has died 19-days after the Holiday Bowl, or a span of 20-days.

Shot = 19; Death = 20

There were 59-points scored in the Holiday Bowl.  Kill = 59; (17th prime) (Shot = 17)

*Washington is 42nd state; Freemason = 42; Jesuit = 42

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