Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 18, 2018

20 25 33 43 76 144 | Cleophus Cooksey Jr. arrested in Glendale, Arizona +Race War propaganda

Nine has that '42' coding...

Nine = 42
Slavery = 42

You know the rest of the list...

Race = 27; Ritual = 27
Kill = 17

From Nov. 27 to Dec. 17 was 20-days later.  Death = 20; Time = 20

Death = 25
Killing = 43

That name... Cleophus... Cooksey.... oh no...

And look!

 Notice 'Cooksey' sums to 33...

The arrest came in Glendale, Arizona...

Remember when the Seahawks and Patriots met in Glendale with 14-4 records?  I do.

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