Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 21, 2018

21 33 37 40 44 77 98 99 | Patriots advance to Super Bowl 52, beating Jaguars, January 21, 2018

Drew Bledsoe presented the AFC Championship trophy to the Patriots, who defeated the Jaguars in the AFC Championship on January 12, 1997, 21-years ago.

LII = 3+9+9 = 21

Remember what I said about this game before it was played...

Jaguars = 77
Boston = 77
Jaguars fall to 7-7 in playoffs
Tom Brady, born in '77
Tyree Terry Glenn = 77 (Dead 77-days from Super Bowl)

*If Tom Brady faces Eagles in Super Bowl and wins, the Patriots and Eagles will be 7-7 all-time.

Tom Brady began this game 7 of 7.

Today's date was right for Tom and the Patriots too...

1/21/18 = 1+21+18 = 40 (Tom is 40-years old) (United States = 40 / 77)
1/21/2018 = 1+21+(2+0+1+8) = 33 (Tom = 33) (Massachusetts = 33)

6 for 98, eh?

New England Patriots = 98
Patriots = 98
Tom Brady = 98

Six = 52
Tom Brady going for SB win #6

24-rushes for 77-yards because he was made to run for short yards in the script.

Jaguars = 77
Boston = 77
Jaguars fall to 7-7 in playoffs
Tom Brady, born in '77
Tyree Terry Glenn = 77 (Dead 77-days from Super Bowl)

Number 44 gets hurt, right before the score becomes 24-20, a sum of 44-points...

Notice the time on the clock, 4:04...

4/2/2018 = 4+2+20+18 = 44 (Date of Super Bowl 52)

Super Bowl 52 is on the 44th Parallel North.

Then #99 got hurt...

New England = 99

Mass mocking...

Patriots = 37 (7x7x7 = 343) (Get it?  Three 7s...)

Right before the 26th pass... the game winner...

AFC going for 26th Super Bowl win this year...

This was because Jacksonville purposefully played to lose in the 4th quarter, which I don't even need to elaborate on.  It was de ja vu of the Falcons last year.

The 26th pass, the game winner...

Amendola had 44 receiving yards on the prior scoring drive.  Then he brought the game to 44 combined points with his 2nd touchdown.

Then the camera had to go to number 44, who was "hurt".

The divisors of 44 sum to 84.

United States of America = 84 / 228
Danny Amendola = 228

The clocked stopped on 1:53, as the Patriots were on the verge of being 15-3 on the season.

26 completions, #26 being the game winner.

38 attempts!  Minnesota = 38; US Bank Stadium = 38

Patriots = 46
Tom Brady = 46

46 rush yards...

And get this, Tom Brady has family in Minnesota that you didn't know about, which they brought up at the end of the game.  Supposedly some of that family died in the Summer of 2016.

This is a good one too, the Patriots scored 24, 24-years after Robert Kraft bought the team, on the way to the Super Bowl, on 2/4, or February 4.

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