Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 21, 2018

22 24 38 49 121 149 | Eagles 24, Vikings 7, NFC Championship halftime stats, January 21, 2018

24-points at halftime?

Super Bowl is on 2/4...

Patriots just won with 24-points, 24-years after Robert Kraft bought the Patriots...

22 attempts... 202 net yards... 22 chapters in Revelation...

Revelation = 49
Eagles = 49

*Revelation = 121; Today is 1/21, January 21...

Vikings = 44 (44-yards)

Vikings with 149-receiving yards...

Revelation = 49 / 149

The Eagles also closed the half with a 38-yard field goal.

Minnesota = 38; US Bank Stadium = 38 (Location of Super Bowl 52, on 2/4)

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