Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

22 51 58 61 62 123 147 222 777 | 2 killed in Kentucky school shooting, January 23, 2018 +Italy, Texas yesterday

Read about yesterday's shooting here:

Two = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Solomon's Temple = 58; Biblical = 58
1/23/2018 = 1+23+20+18 = 62; Mason = 62; Torah = 62; Elohim = 62

There's a parallel to yesterday's shooting through the number 61:

Masonic = 43; Killing = 43; Policeman = 43
Active Shooter = 61

14-wounds and 2-fatally.  Terrorist = 142; Ellis County = 142 (Yesterday's shooting)

In yesterday's story, the ages mentioned were 15, same with today.

Fifteen = 38; Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38

Notice the name of the high school.

Masonic = 115; Freemasons = 115; Killing = 115
Fraternal Order of Police = 119; Call 9-1-1
Murder = 79; 79, the 22nd prime (Shooting on 22nd and 23rd)
Marshall = 51; *Conspiracy = 51 / 123 (Jan. 23, or 1/23 shooting)

Death = 25
Killing = 43
Jesuit Order = 54 / 72

Notice how close the city is to several states.

A 17-year-old special needs student is said to be the victim.

2 in 2 days that began on the 22nd, the master builder number.

Freemason = 147; Conspiracy = 147; Master Builder = 147; *Police = 147

Consider this second shooting comes on January 23, or 1/23.

ALSO, today's date syncs with the Governor of Kentucky nicely, who is #62...

1/23/2018 = 1+23+20+18 = 62

It is 777-days since he took office...

For one last kicker, two shootings, two dead, in two days...

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