Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

27 42 62 68 81 | The death of Jennifer Hudson's family, October 24, 2008 +27-days after her album release

Her family was killed when she was 27-years-old.  Ritual = 27; Hudson = 27 / 27

They were killed on a date with numerology of 42, 42-days after her birthday.

10/24/08 = 10+24+08 = 42

We know about 42 and black history.

It was also a date with numerology of 62.

10/24/2008 = 10+24+20+08 = 62 (Torah) (Elohim) (Mason)

October 24 leaves 68-days left in the year...

Caskets go 6' deep, are 8' long.

Her name gematria is as follows:

Jennifer = 81; Hudson = 81; Ritual = 81 / 81

Remember, September 27 is the Jesuit Order's birthday...

They're the Freemasons within the Catholic Church.

The killing was blamed on 27-year-old William Balfour, the brother-in-law of Hudson.

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