Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 18, 2018

33 | Missile scare in Japan due to NHK broadcasting, January 16, 2018

First Hawaii, then Japan...

How mocking like this goes on with each passing day is beyond me...

Blame in on the Animal Farm.



They'll blame it on Puppet Kim if they ever do it, but we know who it will really be...

The Gang of 33... Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Order = 33

Further, consider this...

1/13/2018 = 1+1+3+2+0+1+8 = 16 (Date of Hawaii scare)
16th, date of Japan scare...

And then the '93 connection.  Recall, Hawaii was invaded January 13, 1893... 125-years before the missile scare... 1/13/1893 = 1+13+18+93 = 125

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