Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

38 58 75 77 221 | The death of Cecil B. Demille & Oprah's January 7, 2018 Cecil B. Demille Award at the Golden Globes

It was first presented on a date with numerology of 75, and this year Oprah won it at the 75th Golden Globe Awards, January 7, 2018.

2/21/52 = 2+21+52 = 75; *New World Order = 75; The Bavarian Illuminati = 221

Read more about Oprah and the award here:

Notice that Cecil B. Demille died at age 77.

Now his name is used for the Golden Globe Awards... the GGs, the 77s...

This year Oprah received the award.  Oprah = 77; Oprah Winfrey = 77

He celebrated his last birthday in 1958, emphasis on '58.  He died on his 163rd day of being 77-years-old.  163, the 38th prime; Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38

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