Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 1, 2018

21 84 153 433 | Fidel Castro's son reportedly commits suicide at age 68, February 1, 2018 +Death of his father parallel

His death at 68 is synced with his father's passing...

*CIA = 68

He has died 433-days after his father.  His father's death was synced with the Pope and was a Jesuit ritual.  433, the 84th prime; Jesuit = 84; The Jesuit Order = 84

Read about Fidel Castro dying 433-days after meeting with Pope Francis:

He has also died 153-days after his 68th birthday.

Jesuit Order = 153

Consider, the date of his death is February 1, or 2/1.  Jesuit = 21

For the record, Pope Francis was born on a date with numerology of 84.

12/17/1936 = 12+17+19+36 = 84

Pope Francis is the first publicly Jesuit Pope.

*Last, that point about 'Fidelito'.

Kill = 44; Execution = 44
Sacrifice = 46; Catholic = 46
Bavarian Illuminati = 80
136, the 16th triangular

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