The winning shot gave the Heat 102-points.
Notice Philly went down with 101... Philadelphia = 101
False Flag = 33 / 69
New World Order = 75; Order Out of Chaos = 75; Order = 75; *Wade = 75
Ritual = 81 / 81; Oliver = 81 / 81
*Wade is 36-years-old
Remember when Dwayne Wade spoke about gun control, and then later the same day the story was his cousin was shot to death in Chicago... recall this Parkland, Florida shooting had a riddle with the Chicago Valentine's Day Massacre.
Further, this shooting had parallels to Philadelphia as well, being compared to the 1949 shooting by Howard Unruh.
227, the 49th prime (February 27, or 2/27); Gun Control = 49
Eagles = 49; Carly Novell = 49 (Her father hid in the closet in '49, like her in 2018)
Gun = 42; Ammo = 42; February = 42
The story came on Wade's 42nd day of being his age.
17-year-old son, 17-victims... NBA = 14+2+1 = 17
The date also factors in.
2/27/2018 = 2+27+20+18 = 67 (Bloody Valentine) (Nikolas Cruz)