Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

22 25 27 48 61 72 73 79 81 89 114 223 | Kyle Korver's brother dies at age 27, March 20, 2018 & the NBA Finals +Murder by Numbers

This death came on March 20, the 79th day of the year.

Murder = 79; Champion = 79
79, the 22nd prime number; Basketball = 22; *King = 22

Notice the brother, Kirk Korver (a family that likes there's Ks or 11s) died at age 27.

Ritual = 27

Think about the 27-ritual with the Cavs winning the Championship in Game 7, June 19, 2016.

If you don't know, you better research.

KK = 22; Kirk = 22; Basketball = 22

*Korver is 37-years-old (deep into his career)

Notice Korver = 89.  *King James = 89

Game 7 of the NBA Finals, June 17, is 89-days after the March 20 death.

Cavs won Game 7 in 2016, the Warriors falling with 89.

3/17/81 = 3+17+81 = 101 (Finals = 101)

Notice he was born in 81.  His brother is dead at 27.

Ritual = 27 / 81

Notice the score of the game where he missed due to his brother's illness.

LeBron James = 114; *King James = 89
109, the 29th prime; Ohio = 29

Also notice the sum of 223-points.

The Synagogue of Satan = 223; James = 223 (Satanic)
223, the 48th prime; The NBA Finals = 48; Cleveland = 48; James = 48

In like of the Synagogue of Satan connection and him dying on the 79th day of the year...

The Synagogue of Satan = 79

It should be noted the death came 25-days before the start of the playoffs.

Finals = 25 / 61; 3/20/2018 = 3+20+20+18 = 61

For the clincher, the death comes 72-days before the start of the 72nd NBA Championship.

That's also a span of 73-days.  Sacrifice = 73; Korver = 73

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