Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 14, 2018

38 | The Murder by Numbers movie poster and the numbers 3 and 8

Notice the E is a 3... and the Bs are made into 8s.... 3 and 8... the numbers we find in "murder by numbers" all the time...

The song 'Murder by Numbers' was released in '83.

In the movie poster, those are Sandra Bullock's eyes.

This film released in her 38th year of life, 38-weeks and 1-day after her birthday.

April 19 is the date Ignatius of Loyola became the Superior General of the Jesuits
Murder = 79 (Society of Jesus = 79) *Look at poster carefully

The reflection of 83 is 38.

Who controls Hollywood?  Yes, Jewish people, the same people who practice Gematria.

Don't forget the songs "Murder by Numbers" and "Gematria the Killing Name"...

For one last point, don't overlook the orange 7 and 9 that surround the words in the poster.

Of course it is the 'Society of Jesus' behind all of this, or the Jesuit Order.

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