Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, August 17, 2018

42 93 | Aretha Franklin's 42 studio albums and her 93 total albums, as well as her death on the same day in history Elvis passed at age 42

Notice Aretha's 42 studio albums.

Further, notice her 93 total albums (42+6+45 = 93).

Aretha Louise Franklin = 93
Black History Month = 93
February = 42
History = 42

Notice she was born in '42.

Notice she died August 16, 2018, the same day in history Elvis Presley died, a man who passed at age 42, and who was known for doing "black music".

As for her date of passing, it was a date with 42 numerology.

8/16/18 = 8+16+18 = 42

Think about all the ways 42 in stamped on black history, from Jackie, up to the joke about the 42nd President being the first black president.

Jackie = 42 (Who wore #42)
Bill Clinton, #42, and was jokingly referred to as the first black president
*Forty-Two = 142; President Obama = 142

Think about the first black QB to win a Super Bowl, and his Redskins winning with 42-points (That was Doug Williams).  The only other black QB to win a Super Bowl is Russell Wilson, who plays for the team from the 42nd state, the Seattle Seahawks.  Further, think about Moses Walker, the actual first black baseball player, in the white major leagues who played in exactly 42-games, before this his career ended.

Moses Walker = 42

It's a long list of 42 and black history, and I cover much of it in my book here.

February = 42
Brothers = 42
Nigger = 42
Jackie = 42
Boy = 42
Bus = 42
Slavery = 42
Martin = 42
Malcolm X = 42
Huxtable = 42
Cosby Show = 42

Link to book:

Since releasing that, we've seen Tiger play his best golf in a decade at age 42...

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