Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

73 81 121 128 | Russell Office Building named McCain Office Building on McCain's birthday +The death of Richard Russell Jr. on January 21, 1972 & paralles to death of McCain, August 25, 2018

On John McCain's birthday, Google "accidentally" named the Russell Senate Office after him, something Chuck Schumer recommended be done on the day of his death.

Notice the gematria overlap with Russell Senate Office Building and McCain Senate Office Buidling.

AGAIN, the dark blue cipher is the most important, and look what day Richard Russell died, January 21, or 1/21, like 121.

2018 marks 47-years of the Russell Senate Office Building.

D.C. = 47; Government = 47; Authority = 47; Republcian = 47; Democrat= 47
President = 47; Caesar = 47; White House = 47; Trump = 47

1/21/1971 = 1+21+19+71 = 112 (Born on Nov. 2, or 11/2)
(2/11 is like 211, the 47th prime); Richard Russell = 211; Mason = 211; Richard = 47

121 has a square root of 11; Revealtion = 121
229 / 292
437 / 473
Freemasonry = 158
Russell = 47
McCain = 119
Russell = 38; McCain = 83

Adding insult to injury, Richard Russell died on the 81st day of his age, like how McCain died at age 81, the 'ritual' number.

Worse yet, Senator Russell was 73-years-old...

As we covered, John McCain was born on a date with 73 numerology, was released as a POW in '73, died on Trump's 73rd day of his age, and we got the news story about Trump being disinvited from McCain's funeral on a date with 73 numerology, August 27, 2018.

8/27/2018 = 8+27+20+18 = 73 (News of Trump not being allowed at funeral)
8/29/36 = 8+26+36 = 73 (McCain's birthday)
1973, emphasis on '73, the year McCain was released as a POW

For one last parallel, Richard Russell was born on a date with 128 numerology, and John McCain died on the day leaving 128-days left in the year.

11/2/1897 = 11+2+18+97 = 128

At the same time, let us not forget the parallels between the death of Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Ted McCain, who died on the same day in history, August 25.

8/25/2009 = 8+25+(2+0+0+9) = 44
8/25/2018 = 8+25+(2+0+1+8) = 44

Ted Kennedy died August 25, 2009, John McCain died August 25, 2018, and both men died from the same illness, brain cancer.




On the day of McCain's death, the parallel to Ted Kennedy was compared to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both dying on July 4, 1826.  If you're not aware, 1826-days later, July 4, 1831, James Monroe would also die.

And to bring back to the point about 128...

From July 4, Independence Day, to August 25, is 7-weeks and 4-days.

1 comment:

  1. MCain and Kennedy's death dates match up on the Hebrew side too...

    McCain died on the 14th of Elul
    Sat, 25 August 2018 = 14th of Elul, 5778
    Parashat Ki Teitzei 14/6/5778
    1+4+6+5+7+7+8=38 (McCain) "death" = 38 (English Ordinal)

    Kennedy died on the 5th day of Elul
    Tue, 25 August 2009 = 5th of Elul, 5769
    Parashat Ki Teitzei 5/6/5769
    5+6+5+7+6+9=38 (Kennedy) "death" = 38 (English Ordinal)

    "brain tumor = 131 (English Ordinal)
    "died of brain cancer = 131 (English Ordinal)
    "14th of Elul, 5778 = 131 (EO) (McCain)
    "5th of Elul, 5769 = 131 (EO) (Kennedy)

    "14th of Elul 5778 = 441 (J)(McCain)
    "5th of Elul 5769 = 441 (J)(Kennedy)
    "TIME" = 144 (Jewish)

    Ki Teitzei in a Nutshell
    Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19

    Seventy-four of the Torah’s 613 commandments (mitzvot) are in the Parshah of Ki Teitzei. These include the laws of the beautiful captive, and also includes laws governing the purity of the military camp.


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