Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

19 42 67 181 | Tokyo car attack in the Harajuku District, New Year's Day, January 1, 2019

Harajuku District sums to 67, the 19th prime

In other words, the perfect area to terrorize to ring in the New Year, 2019.

Happy 2019 from the New World Order!

The district has the following gematria.

193, the 44th prime; Car Crash = 44
67, the 19th prime; Chaos = 19
239, the 52nd prime; Tokyo, Japan = 52

'Takeshita Street' has a connection to 'new' and 'Japan'.

Takeshita = 149 (35th prime); Car Crash = 35  

181, the 42nd prime

The road was closed, eh?  We've seen this before.

This story captured the mind's eye of the world on New Year's Eve and Day, depending on where you were in the world.  Notice how 'Meiji Shrine' connects.

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