Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3 In History | Apple Computers, Martin Luther, Shoguns, Polio, Alaska, Cuba, Jack Ruby, death of Joy Adamson, START II, Sandy Hook

42-years later, Apple is delivering news that has sunk the economy and its hopes for 2019:

January 3, or 3/1, like 31...

January 3... or 1/3...
49 is 4+9 = 13

This news came 143-days after Castro's 34th birthday, August 13, 1960, or on his 144th day of his age.  Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143; Time = 144

January 3, or 1/3... like 13...

JFK was killed in Dallas.

Joy, on January 3...

START II in '93?

1/3/2013 = 1+3+20+13 = 37 (Shooting) (Congress)

The 113th Congress was centered on the "tragedy" at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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