Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

4 11 44 | Israel's moon lander, Beresheet, to touch down, April 11, 2019

Read the original Beresheet decode, regarding the February 21, 2019 launch:

The 11th?

*Jews identify through the moon.

Keep in mind Apollo 11 was said to be the first moon mission.

Israel will be the fourth nation to land on the moon, in the fourth month, April.

4 & 4...
Cancer = 44
Space = 44
Armstrong = 44

Keep in mind it supposedly went into the moon's orbit on April 4, or 4/4.

And think about Apollo 11's moon landing, in the time of cancer, on the day July 20 and 21, 1969.


  1. time for you to venture into new territory. I've already gifted the formula to you.

  2. JEWlian Edelman #11 MVP
    Miami heat scored 122pts in wades last home game
    Miami will host Super Bowl 54 (9) the cities 11th SB
    The patriots just played in their 11th Super Bowl

    Julian & Julian = Edelman & Assanage

    Both Tied to Patriots /England/ New England 😆

  3. From April 11/19 to August 11/19 (Tisha b'av) 122 days....
    San Francisco = 122

  4. Beresheet is the 1st word in the Bible/Torah -- so it would seem this label would be blasphemous to many Jews. Also written as Bereshit, it brings to mind "bear shit" & "Does a bear shit in the woods?" ... which leads us to ...
    "Do bears shit on the moon?" = 239 eo, 301 ro , 103 rr
    And in Jewish ciphers = 101 J red , *** 227 Jew Ord *** , 812 J
    It's ... "Mockery Within Mockery" = 2222 J ... :D ;D


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